
Track of individual room times in the Super Metroid practice hack

Primary LanguagePython

Super Metroid Room Timer

This program tracks and provides feedback for individual room times while playing the Super Metroid practice hack.

Image of room timer in action


For retroarch (must have network commands enabled on port 55354 or 55355):

./sm_room_timer.py [-f <filename.csv>]

For qusb2snes:

./sm_room_timer.py --usb2snes [-f <filename.csv>]

Whenever you enter a new room, the script will capture the room time, door time, and lag time, and optionally record those times in a CSV file. It will then print the best times and median times for that room transition.


Since the room timer is scraping memory, it is not perfectly in sync with the game, and may occasionally scrape an incorrect time. If this happens, the incorrect row can be removed using a text editor or spreadsheet.

There are mitigations in place to prevent recording an incorrect room time (for example, the timer will not record a time for a room that was entered by loading a preset).