

After cloning the project, you can either manually download the images from FDDB and put the '2002' and '2003' folders under the root of the project, or run 'dl-data.sh' script to download images automatically.

To evaluate detection performance, put the detection results under the root of the project as 'detection.txt' and run the docker by

sudo docker run -v your-fddb-evaluate-project-path:/root/fddb pkdogcom/fddb

The four ROC plots will be updated to compare performance between your detector and some other solutions.

Detection Result Format

'detection.txt' should follow the official detection format of FDDB, such as

2002/08/11/big/img_591 # relative path to the first image
1                      # number of faces
167 88 141 141 1.03239 # bounding box of the face (left top width height confidence_score)
2002/08/26/big/img_265 # the second image
53 43 98 98 1.02361
305 88 82 82 1.00245
157 115 48 48 0.984681
190 79 117 118 1.01698