As you might have guessed from its name, gitHUD is a heads up display for the command line that will show git information
Note: this example is taken from the iTerm2 OSX terminal, with custom colors from the Solarized Dark theme
I was really psyched a few months ago by git-radar. Git-radar does the exact same thing as gitHUD, but is implemented in shell. While I had a great time using it for a while, I realized that on my particular setup, git-radar was introducing a visible delay (200ms, too long for me) in the displaying of my prompt.
At that time, I was looking for an exercise to implement in Haskell, so that's how I created gitHUD
Whatever the way you install gitHUD, don't forget to complete the Setup
- link my tap
brew tap gbataille/homebrew-gba
- install githud
brew install githud
gitHUD is available on hackage. Therefore just get it as usual
cabal install gitHUD
gitHUD is available on hackage, but not in the stack list of curated packages. to install it with stack, you need to add it to the extra-deps in your stack.yml file
- gitHUD-
then you can run
stack install gitHUD
- Get the source
- Compile them (haskell)
If you simply call the githud executable, you'll get a short status of your repository. It's meant to be called each time you display your prompt. Therefore you want to put it in your PS1 env variable.
For example, in my .bashrc
file, with the executable at
export PS1="\[\033[0;37m\][\A]\[\033[0m\] \[\033[0;36m\]\u\[\033[0m\]
\W\[\033[0;32m\]\$(/usr/local/bin/gitHUD)\[\033[0m\]\$ "
ZSH has some fancy way of managing prompt when you do things like autocompletion and the like. For that it needs to know the size of the prompt. Special characters used to express the color of the prompt need to be surrounded by special markup for them not to be counted.
To make it work with ZSH, add a "zsh" parameter:
gitHUD zsh
Invoking it from the command line will show you those %{
Putting it together in my .zshrc
, I have the following PROMPT variable with
the executable at /usr/local/bin/gitHUD
export PROMPT=%{$fg_bold[white]%}%T%{$reset_color%}%{$fg[cyan]%} %n%{$reset_color%}
%{$fg_bold[green]%}$(shorter_path)%{$reset_color%} $(/usr/local/bin/gitHUD zsh)%{$(virtualenv_info)%}%(?,,%{${fg_bold[blue]}%}[%?]%{$reset_color%} )$ '
Add this code to your file.
function fish_prompt
set_color white
echo -n [(date "+%H:%M")]
set_color cyan
echo -n (whoami):
set_color yellow
echo -n (prompt_pwd)
set_color $fish_color_cwd
echo -n (/usr/local/bin/gitHUD)
set_color normal
echo -n "> "
The prompt format is nicely configurable. The defaults give you the look and feel from the screenshot above, with a terminal configured with the Solarized Dark theme colors.
To change those colors, or the markers used in the prompt:
- Copy the
file from this repository into your home directory - Edit the file by uncommenting some fields and changing their values (instructions are enclosed in the file)
- gitHUD is fast (on my system, about twice as fast as git-radar, with exec times below 100ms)
- gitHUD is easily maintainable through proper test coverage
The only downside compared to git-radar is that you need to compile it on your platform, as opposed to being just shell.
On Mac, it's now easy since I packaged it as a brew bottle. For Linux, I'm waiting for contributions to put it in RPM or DEB packages :)
So of course, I wanted to check that whatever I was doing was useful. So I did a couple of benchmark with the Haskell criterion library. It's based on my system and does not guarantee any performances but it gives you an idea of the improvements. Here goes:
- git-radar - full shell implementation
- gitHUD-syncIO - with normal IOs done one at a time
- gitHUD-asyncIO - with IOs programmed asynchronously for better performance.
Here you can find the details
For information: I ran that on a Macbook Pro 13", 2014, fully boosted, running with iTerm 2, tmux, oh-my-zsh, inside a git repo with quite some information to parse
Well, my thanks to git-radar for the great idea, and to guibou for the code reviews