
Heartfelt dev talks for humans

Primary LanguageHTML


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Like intimate, emotional talks over coffee. A really nice way to start both your day and your next project.

how it works



  • randomize video order (_.shuffle)

  • click a cover to add data-embed content to dom and hide cover

  • layout: make this not look like a first iteration :D - make it fancy/shiny! - but don't tell it that it has to be anything that it's not! it just needs to believe in itself! - we are all stardust! 🌌

  • add autoplay , remove sizes from embeds

  • add meta-seo.jade (https://gist.github.com/pketh/0820f8a97f706f299907497c224cd744)

  • gh backup

  • buy domain talks.coffee

  • centered play button on top of cover image

  • default video cover image

  • draw some custom covers image (600 x 368)