
A tool for creating a code of conduct with a prefix and a patch

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Patch my Code of Conduct

This action adds a prefix to the default Code of Conduct template and applies the necessary templates.

If used with gr2m/create-or-update-pull-request-action@v1 workflow automatically creates a pull request with the applied changes.

  • Opens a pull request if output file does not exist (Example)
  • Opens a pull request if patch file is changed (Example)

Example Workflow

on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Test Action
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          persist-credentials: false
      - name: Start Patch
        uses: pkgjs/patch-my-code-of-conduct@v1.3.0
          base_url: './BASE.md'
          patch_file_path: './patch'
          output_file_path: './CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md'
      - uses: gr2m/create-or-update-pull-request-action@v1
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          body: "Applied the patch to the base Code of Conduct."
          branch: actions/patch-code-of-conduct  # Custom branch *just* for this Action.
          commit-message: 'doc: update Code of Conduct'
          title: 'doc: update Code of Conduct'

Useful Information

Generate patch file

  • Generate a premable+template.md
  • Generate a original-expected.md file
diff -Naur preamble+template.md original-expected.md > patch

Running patching script

patch -i patch preamble+template.md -o expected.md --no-backup-if-mismatch