
Simple In-Memory banking built with Elixir

Primary LanguageElixir


Simple In-Memory Banking in Elixir,

Supports deposit, withdraw and send actions with in-memory transactional atomicity.


Get/update deps mix deps.get Simply can run iex -S mix in the top directory

Play with it

import ExBanking
create_user "a"
create_user "b"
deposit "a", 10, "usd"
send "a", "b", 10, "usd"
get_balance "a", "usd"
balances "a"

Task.async(fn -> IO.inspect deposit "a", 10, "usd" end)

(1..13) |> Enum.each(fn _ -> Task.async(fn -> IO.inspect deposit "a", 10, "usd" end) end)

(1..3) |> Enum.each(fn _ -> Task.async(fn -> IO.inspect send "a", "b", 10, "usd" end) end)

(1..3) |> Enum.each(fn _ -> Task.async(fn -> IO.inspect(send("b", "a", 20, "usd"), label: :send_b_a) end) end)

(1..13) |> Enum.each(fn _ ->
    Task.async(fn -> IO.inspect(deposit("a", 10, "usd"), label: :deposit_a) end)
    Task.async(fn -> IO.inspect(deposit("b", 0.10, "usd"), label: :deposit_b) end)
    Task.async(fn -> IO.inspect(send("a", "b", 10, "usd"), label: :send_a_b) end)


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding ex_banking to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:ex_banking, "~> 0.1.0"}