
Read emails using IMAP protocol and display subject on LCD and speak subject using Google Text-to-Speech.

Primary LanguagePython


New emails are parsed from your email servers (using your email password login) and email subjects are spoken to you as well as displayed on LCD connected to Raspberry PI.

Deployment process :

  1. Installing python 2.7 version on raspbian OS on raspberry pi.

  2. Install python package manager pip. sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential

  3. Install python imaplib, getpass and email library. sudo pip install

  4. Installing and configuring audio on pi, follow instructions on: http://iwearshorts.com/blog/raspberry-pi-setting-up-your-audio/

5.For text to speech output: follow instructions on http://elinux.org/RPi_Text_to_Speech_(Speech_Synthesis)#Install_supporting_packages http://elinux.org/RPi_Text_to_Speech_(Speech_Synthesis)#Espeak_Text_to_Speech

6.Install GrovePi for lcd output. Clone github repo, and follow installing instructions on it. https://github.com/DexterInd/GrovePi

  1. Finally run following command in this folder containing google.sh: chmod +x google.sh python mailReceiver.py

Connecting circuit :

How to connect LCD to Pi : > connect “GND” pin of LCD (shown in diagram) to “GND” pin ( like pin 6 ) of Raspberry Pi. > connect “VCC” pin of LCD (shown in diagram) to “5 V PWR” pin ( like pin 2,4 ) of Raspberry Pi. > connect “SDA” pin of LCD (shown in diagram) to “I2C1 SDA” pin ( pin 3 ) of Raspberry Pi. > connect “SCL” pin of LCD (shown in diagram) to “I2C1 SCL” pin ( pin 5 ) of Raspberry Pi.