
PQC Capabilities Matrix (PQCCM)

MIT LicenseMIT

PQC Capabilities Matrix (PQCCM)

The PKI Consortium is managing a PQC Capabilities Matrix (PQCCM) of software applications, libraries and hardware that includes support for Post Quantum Cryptography, without endorsing their implementation or quality.

The list includes a wide variety of software applications, libraries, and hardware from different vendors. The list should be considered a living document and a starting point. Considering the rapid change in the area such things can vary from day to day and complete freshness of information can only be gathered from vendors directly.

The PKI Consortium is actively working to promote the adoption of Post-Quantum Cryptography, and the capabilities matrix is a key part of that effort.

This is the source code repository that can be use to contribute changes, the current version is published at https://pkic.org/pqccm, but you can also view the list here on GitHub.

How to contribute

We encourage everyone (including non-members) to make contributions, all contributions are subject to our Intellectual Property Rights Agreement.