
Truffle - Social Media Website built using Django Framework as a part of Web Development Elective Mini Project

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Powered by Django.


  • Login Page
  • Signup Page
  • Create Profile Page
  • Edit Profile Page
  • Create Post Page
  • Delete Post Page
  • Update post page
  • Password Reset Page
  • Feed/Home page
  • User Profile Page
  • Search Results Page
  • Post Comment Page


  • Follow/Unfollow Users
  • Like/Unlike the posts
  • Download the post images
  • Comment on user posts
  • User suggestion section
  • Search users through the search bar

Tools and Techs

Backend Framework: Django

Front-end : Bootstrap, SCSS, HTML,CSS, Javascript

Database: Sqlite3


    • Fork the repo
    • Clone the repo to your local system
    git clone https://github.com/pkini2002/Social-media-web-app.git
    cd Social-media-web-app

    Make sure you have python installed on your system.

  1. Create a Virtual Environment for the Project

    If u don't have a virtualenv installed

    pip install virtualenv

    For Windows Users

    virtualenv env

    For Linux Users

    virtualenv env
    source env/Scripts/activate

    If you are giving a different name than env, mention it in .gitignore first

  2. Install all the requirements

    pip install -r requirements.txt
    cd socials
  3. Make migrations/ Create db.sqlite3

    python manage.py makemigrations
    python manage.py migrate
  4. Create a super user. This is to access Admin panel and admin specific pages.

    python manage.py createsuperuser

    Enter your username, email and password.

  5. Run server

    python manage.py runserver


1. Signup Page

Signup page

2. Login Page

Login page

3. Home/Feed Page

Home Page

4. Comment Display

Comment Display

5. Profile Pages

User Profile

Show Profile

Other's Profile

127 0 0 1_8000_4_profile_(Nest Hub)

6. Search Result Users Page

Search Result

7. Create a user profile page

Create user profile