
Installing VS Code development environment on Mac and Win

Installing a VS Code-based Development Environment

Installing VS Code development environment on Mac and Win


Keep Terminal In Dock
Add Home Directory to Favorites
Creating a Class Directory
Making Terminal Close
Installing Command Line Tools
Installing VS Code
Adding VS Code To Your Path
Installing Brew and wget
Downloading the Project Creator
More Set Up and a Run Through


In the Enabling WSL video, stop when you get to installing Ubuntu and continue with the next video which will take you through that and the rest.

Enabling WSL and Installing Ubuntu 20.04
Installing Ubuntu 20.04 (better) All the Way To End

Both platforms

Disabling Precompiled Headers
Disabling the Minimap
Excluding Files from VS Code
Tabs not Spaces

Working with starter code and data files

Working with starter code and data files is recorded on a Mac but should be essentially the same on Windows. This is how you would work with starter code and data files provided by your instructor.

Handing in your work (Both Mac and Windows)

Handing in work is straight forward on the Mac but a little more complex on Windows. Follow along with this video for both platforms.