
These projects will be repeated in Fall 2020 OS (with minor changes) - you can get a head start on them over the summer.

Primary LanguageC

Get a head start on Fall 2020 OS

These projects are for your benefit. You can do them over the summer, or not. If you do them you will:

  • Get a head start on your work in Fall 2020 OS.
  • Keep your skills sharp.
  • Learn the material deeply because you'll have to do the research on your own.

There is nothing to turn in and no due dates.

Interacting with me

Remember, this is my summer too. I've already invested in you by writing these projects up.

As such, please limit any questions you may have for me and instead do the research on your own. No, I won't grade your work.


Project 2's core solution can be found in OSTEP. This is "Operating Systems in Three Easy Pieces". Google OSTEP. In particular, you want chapter 31.