
This is an HTTP Server that simply returns the Remote Address, your IP. In other words, it's a simple text-only "What's My IP" service implemented in a few lines of Python. Works for IPv4 and IPv6.

Primary LanguagePython


This tool is a very simple HTTP Server: It returns the REMOTE_ADDR to connecting HTTP clients. In other words: It tells you what your current IP is.


All this server needs is Python 3.3+ (there's a branch with support for Python 2.7+ too). So, get Python first, then download the project from https://github.com/pklaus/WhatsMyIP or clone the repository.


Start the tool like this:

./whatsmyip.py --host :: --port 8080

It should be run a a computer or server that's reachable over the Internet. Then any client requesting http://serveraddress:8080/ will receive its IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) back from the server.

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