Tech Stack

Architecture: Clean + MvRx

There are three layers,

  • domain contains business objects, usecases and repositories.

  • data provides repository implementations. Apollo is used for Graphql requests.

  • ui is the presentation layer which uses MvRx pattern. Conceptually, MvRx will feel very familiar for those who are used to React. Koin is used as DI in this layer

captura de pantalla 2018-02-23 a la s 11 39 01


JUnit and Mockk for unit tests are used here.

There is no UI tests(Espresso) due to time limit.

Code Standard

Detekt is used for static code analysis for Kotlin.

.idea/codeSytles folder is shared in the repository.


Replace auth_token with your own github access token with repo and user scopes in strings.xml when you run the app.

Otherwise you will end up with 401 Unauthorized