
Android application to fetch the current location of the device and get nearby English language Wikipedia articles.

Primary LanguageKotlin



Android application to fetch the current location of the device and get nearby English language Wikipedia articles.

Tech Stack

Architecture: Clean + MVVM

There are three main modules,

  • domain contains business objects, usecases and repositories. It is a java module.

  • data provides repository implementations.

  • app is the presentation layer which uses MVVM pattern. Dagger is used as DI in this module

captura de pantalla 2018-02-23 a la s 11 39 01


  • domain module: JUnit and Mockk for unit tests are used here.

  • data module: Robolectric, MockWebServer, JUnit and Mockk for unit tests are used here.

  • data module: JUnit and Mockk for unit tests are used here. There is no UI tests(Espresso) due to time limit.

Code Standard

Detekt is used for static code analysis for Kotlin.

.idea/codeSytles folder is shared in the repository.


  • Main branch is master

  • Work on feature branches and do PRs to merge them to master.

Continues integration

  • CircleCI is used as CI

Known issues

  • RxLocation is used for retrieving location, more tests needed on different phone models for these library.


  • Suggested rule info feature hasn't been implemented due to lack of related Google API key. Will be fixed soon