
A rapid Rails (6.0.0.rc1) application template for personal use bundled with Tailwind CSS

Primary LanguageHTML

Rails Kickoff – Tailwind

A rapid Rails (6.0.0.r1) application template for personal use. This particular template utilizes Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.

Tailwind depends on Webpack so this also comes bundled with webpacker support.

Inspired heavily by Jumpstart from Chris Oliver. Credits to him for a bunch here.

Be sure to also check out Jumpstart Pro to save loads of time creating your next Rails application. Chris, Jason, and I teamed up on it.

Included gems

Tailwind CSS by default

With Rails 6 we have webpacker by default now. Using PostCSS we can install Tailwind as a base CSS framework to harness. I prefer Tailwind due to it's un-opinionated approach.

How it works

When creating a new rails app simply pass the template file through.

Creating a new app

$ rails new sample_app -d <postgresql, mysql, sqlite> -m template.rb

Once installed what do I get?

  • Webpack support + Tailwind CSS configured in the app/javascript directory.
  • Devise with a new username and name field already migrated in. Enhanced views using Tailwind CSS.
  • Support for Friendly IDs thanks to the handy friendly_id gem. Note that you'll still need to do some work inside your models for this to work. This template installs the gem and runs the associated generator.
  • Optional Foreman support thanks to a Profile. Once you scaffold the template, run foreman start to initalize and head to locahost:5000 to get rails server, sidekiq and webpack-dev-server running all in one terminal instance. Note: Webpack will still compile down with just rails server if you don't want to use Foreman. Foreman needs to be installed as a global gem on your system for this to work. i.e. gem install foreman
  • A custom scaffold view template when generating theme resources (Work in progress).
  • Git initialization out of the box

Booting your local server with redis

To utilize foreman with Sidekiq noted above you'll need to install redis. The gem comes within a new rails application but it is commented out. Uncomment that line and run bundle install. It also might be handy to install redis on your machine (assuming you're on a mac) run brew install redis to install it. Then in a new terminal instance you can run redis-server.

After that is running, open a new terminal instance and finally run foreman start. Head to locahost:5000 to see your app. You'll have hot reloading on js and css and scss/sass files by default. Feel free to configure to look for more to compile reload as your app scales.

Watch an overview

📹 https://youtu.be/kuKMRl8nj2w - A bit dated now that Rails 6.0.0.rc1 is out now.