
ORIGINAL code by @danielkucera. See https://github.com/danielkucera/epaper-station for more details & fresh updates / bigfixes


  • <DISPLAY_MAC>.png, is now GET on client request between 6:00 and 22:00 (can be changed in IoTrequests.py)
  • imgVer is timestamp of GET/generation of bitmap instead of CRC of PNG
  • Bitmap data for client is generated "before" client Checkin request
  • Client/ePaper send info to the server (http GET, on Checkin request)
  • All *.bmp stored in /tmp dir
  • SIGUSR signals, see below
  • Daemonize after start
  • Set epaper "nextCheckinDelay" via remote server - IoTpushInfo()
  • Do not refresh after 22:00 for 8 hours to save power/display
  • add python interpreter directry to tohe script


apt install python3-serial python3-pycryptodome python3-pil

on Turris Omnia

Login > LuCi > System > Software 
Download and install package: kmod-usb-acm


edit url & CONSTS in IoTrequests.py


cd /home/pi/epaper-station/; ./station.py

or from rc.local as a pi user

sudo vi /etc/rc.local

su - pi -c '/home/pi/epaper-station/station.py'

On Turris Omnia

nano /etc/rc.local


All messages are logged to /var/log/daemon.log & /var/log/syslog when running from rc.local


  • to pair a display, it has to be really really close (touching the adapter with left edge) - when the display "checks in", it will check the presence of <DISPLAY_MAC>.png in current dir, convert it to bmp and send to display - if the image doesn't change, the display will stay as is and checks back again in defined interval (checkinDelay)

  • <DISPLAY_MAC>.png is now HTTP GETed on Checkin request sent by client (ePaper)

SIGUSR Signals - Info & Action


  • show/log image version [name of /tmp/*.bmp] and image size that will be sent to the client on Checkin request
  • check if bmp image exists
kill -10 <PID>


kill -10 <PID> ; cat /var/log/syslog | tail -4

if running from rc.local


  • HTTP GET images for all known clients (stored in clients.json) and show image version/size
kill -12 <PID>


kill -12 <PID> ; cat /var/log/syslog | tail -3

if running from rc.local

cc2531, RPi, Flash HowTo


Possible improvements

  • Add update schedule scheme