DocDokuPLM is a high end Open Source PLM solution.
- Document Management: Version control, workflows, templates, links
- Product Structure: Search and filters the product structure
- Product Configuration: Manage effectivities, alternatives and substitutes
- Bill of Materials: List all raw materials of your product
- Process Management: Define workflows and manage tasks
- Change Management: Track modifications
- Data Visualization: Use your browser to explore your structures (WebGL), exchange with your colleagues or display your documents (Word, PDF, CAD...)
The Project is lead by the DocDoku team.
You have a full description of the Installation Guide.
To know how to use the PLM, you can look at the Quick Starter Guide or at the User Guide.
You may fork or just clone the code on GitHub and then compile and package it with Maven.
You have more information in the Development Guide.
Eclipse Public License - v 1.0