
A viewer and converter for *.rtr mappable binary 3D graphics data files

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Ready To Render (RTR) Tool

A viewer and converter for *.rtr mappable binary 3D graphics data files. See https://github.com/pknowles/readytorender.

Currently only supports conversion from *.gltf files using cgltf.

# Convert a gltf file and view the converted in-memory rtr file
./rtrtool input.gltf

# Convert a gltf file to an rtr file
./rtrtool input.gltf output.rtr

# View an rtr file
./rtrtool input.rtr

Still in the very early stages of development.

NOTE: Includes KTX-Software as a submodule (not small) to convert and write embedded ktx2 images.


Issues and pull requests are most welcome, thank you! Note the DCO and MIT LICENSE.