| Deployments | Automation |.
| ----------- | ---------- |
| ✅ Single Click Environment Deployment | ⌛️ automated, timed un-deployment|
| ✅ Ubuntu 22.04, Windows 11 Bare OS Selections | ⌛️ resource groups tagged with over-ridable expiry|
| ✅ Python 3.10 on Ubuntu | ⌛️ hourly scans for expired rg|
- Choose Actions
- Choose Environment Actions
- Click "Run WorkFlow" button
- Branch : Main
- Choose Action : [plan|apply|destroy]
- Choose Environment : [ubuntu2204|ubuntu2204python|win11]
- Auto-Expire (Days) : [1|2|3|4|5]
- manually control actions to deploy or undeploy pre-defined environments
- quickly spin up a default stack or create custom environments
- all resources auto-expire and undeploy after the selected number of days
- expired resources are removed at the end of the day
- selecting 0 days removes resources at 19:00 today
- runs periodically without user input
- scans for resource groups tagged with an expiry date today
- calculates the required settings and runs terraform destroy
- provides the same features to control environments via the Flows App
- requires importing the MS Flows app and configuring
- the connector to your github account with control over the repository
- the owner and repository name details changing to your repository in the flow