
Configuration for NodeJS services

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


Wow! So much configuration, so many sources!

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  1. What is muchconf?
  2. Getting started
    2.1. Promise based approach
    2.2. Event based approach
    2.3. Initializing muchconf with multiple sources
    2.4. Loading configuration conditionally
    2.5. Multiple instances of muchconf
  3. muchconf()
  4. Class: Provider
  5. Built-in providers (configuration sources) 5.1. EnvProvider
    5.2. ArgvProvider
    5.3. JsonProvider
    5.4. JsonFileProvider
  6. External providers
  7. Writing custom provider
  8. Examples
  9. Tests

What is muchconf?

Muchconf is a module which allows to get configuration for your NodeJS app. It supports multiple sources of configuration and can load different configuration according to environment (e.g. development or production) or any custom logic.

Out of the box muchconf supports 4 sources of configuration: environmental variables, command line arguments, json and json (js) files. Additional sources can be added using external providers.

Muchconf can reload your application if configuration changes and source supports it.

Getting started

Install module using your favorite package manager.

npm install muchconf

Configuration will be kept in Store. To feed Store with configuration use at least one Provider (you can choose from built-in providers or use an external one).

Promise based approach

const { muchconf, EnvProvider } = require('muchconf');

const configStore = muchconf([
    new EnvProvider({
        port: 'PORT',
        ip: 'IP'

    .then((config) => {
        // Now start server and listen on ip and port form environmental variables
        console.log('Server running at ' + config.ip + ':' + confgi.port);

Event based approach

const { muchconf, EnvProvider } = require('muchconf');

const configStore = muchconf([
    new EnvProvider({
        port: 'PORT',
        ip: 'IP'

configStore.on('ready', (config) => {
    // Now start server and listen on ip and port form environmental variables
    console.log('Server running at ' + config.ip + ':' + confgi.port);


Initializing muchconf with multiple sources

muchconf accepts array of providers. The final configuration is result of combining configurations from each source. A succeeding provider overwrites same keys in preceding one.


const { muchconf, JsonProvider } = require('muchconf');

const configStore = muchconf([
    new JsonProvider({
        port: '9000',
        ip: ''
    new JsonProvider({
        port: '8080'

    .then((config) => {
        // Final configuration:
         *  {
         *      port: '8080'
         *      ip: ''
         *  } 

Loading configuration conditionally

Each Provider is aware of configuration of its predecessors. It is possible to load configuration of given Provider based on current state of configuration.


Let's say we want to run app on a different port than default one in production environment. In the following example the default port will be 3000 and production port will be 8080. In given example the last JsonProvider will overwrite port only if env equals 'production'.

const { muchconf, EnvProvider, JsonProvider } = require('muchconf');

const configStore = muchconf([
    new EnvProvider({
        env: 'NODE_ENV',
    new JsonProvider({
        port: '3000'
    new JsonProvider({
        port: '8080'
    }, {
        is: {
            env: 'production'

Similar effect can be achieved with not option. The last Provider will overwrite configuration in every situation except when env equals 'production'.

const { muchconf, EnvProvider, JsonProvider } = require('muchconf');

const configStore = muchconf([
    new EnvProvider({
        env: 'NODE_ENV',
    new JsonProvider({
        port: '8080'
    new JsonProvider({
        port: '3000'
    }, {
        not: {
            env: 'production'

It is possible to pass a function instead of expected value. The function must return true or false. In next example default port will be overwritten for 'production' or 'testing' environment.

const { muchconf, EnvProvider, JsonProvider } = require('muchconf');

const configStore = muchconf([
    new EnvProvider({
        env: 'NODE_ENV',
    new JsonProvider({
        port: '3000'
    new JsonProvider({
        port: '8080'
    }, {
        is: {
            env: (value) => {
                return (value === 'production' || value === 'testing');

Multiple instances of muchconf

By default calling muchconf() always returns the same instance of store. It is possible to create new store by passing unique key in options.instance.

const muchconf = require('muchconf');

const instanceKey = 'unique_key';

const configStore = muchconf([], {
    instance: instanceKey

To reference to that instance the same key must be passed each time.

const configStore = muchconf({ instance: 'unique_key' });


muchconf is a store for configuration. It accepts array of providers and additional options. Muchconf is singleton, which means wherever you require it in your project always will be returned the same instance (multiple instances are also possible - see multiple muchconf instances).


muchconf(providers, options);


name type required default description
providers array of Providers no [] Providers of configuration to feed the store
options object no see below options for muchconf
options.instance symbol or string no new Symbol() is created Each instance of muchconf is identified by unique key. By default muchconf creates its key by itself. If more than one instance of muchconf is required it can be created by passing custom instance key. The same key must by used later to refer to this instance.
options.allowNullOrUndefined boolean no false Should null or undefined be treated as a proper value. If set to false (default behavior) null or undefined won't overwrite existing configuration.

Instance of configuration store.



Loads configuration from store. I returns promise, which resolves to configuration object.


    .then((config) => {
        // configuration is available here


Returns configuration from store.


let config = congiStore.get();


Returns unique key of instance.




Muchconf store is an instance of EventEmitter. During its lifecycle the following events are emitted:

Event name Description
ready Fired after store initialization and when final configuration is ready. ready event is fired only once in store lifecycle.
loaded Fired whenever new configuration is ready. It is fired both after store initialization and after configuration update.
update Fired after configuration update.
error Fired whenever error occurs.

Event cycle:

state / event name ready loaded update
Instance of muchconf initialized and configuration is ready yes yes no
Configuration has been updated no yes yes

Class: Provider

Each configuration provider extends this class. Provider is an instance of EventEmitter.

new Provider(options);


name type required default description
options object no see below options for provider
options.castNumbers boolean no false if possible, strings will be converted to number, e.g. '2' will be 2
options.convertTrueFalseStrings boolean no false strings like 'true' or 'false' will be converted to boolean
options.cutQuotations boolean no false double quotation marks form beginning and ending of string will be cut off. E.g. '"some value"' will be 'some value'
options.not object no undefined conditions when provider should not be used
options.is object no undefined conditions when provider should be used



Sets watch property to true. Tells muchconf that Provider supports configuration watching.




If possible and enabled in options passed to provider it transforms configuration value.




name type required default description
value string yes value to convert

Parsed value if it was possible, in other case original one.


If possible converts number-like value to number.




name type required default description
value string yes value to convert

Parsed value if it was possible in other case original one.


If possible converts strings like "true" or "false" to its boolean equivalent. It is case insensitive.




name type required default description
value string yes value to convert

Parsed value if it was possible in other case original one.


If possible trims quotation marks from string.




name type required default description
value string yes value to convert

Parsed value if it was possible in other case original one.


Loads configuration. It should be implemented in custom provider. If not it always resolves to empty configuration.



Promise which resolves to configuration object.

Built-in providers (configuration sources)

Provider represents source of configuration. Muchconf has four built-in providers and supports external providers. Out of the box muchconf can get configuration form environmental variables, command line arguments, JSON or JSON file.

Built-in providers:

  1. EnvProvider - environmental variables
  2. ArgvProvider - command line arguments
  3. JsonProvider - JSON (or javascript object)
  4. JsonFileProvider - JSON file


EnvProvider gets configuration form environmental variables in OS.


new EnvProvider(configurationMap, providerOptions)


name type required default description
configurationMap object yes object representing configuration. It could be nested or include arrays. Each value will be replaced with value of ENV variable with that name
providerOptions object no common options for provider. See Provider section


const { Store, EnvProvider } = require('muchconf');

const configStore = new Store([
    new EnvProvider({
        env: 'NODE_ENV',
        port: 'PORT',
        mongo: {
            uri: 'MONGO_URI',
            port: 'MONGO_PORT',
            dbName: 'MONGO_DATABASE_NAME'
        apiEndpoints: ['API_ENDPOINT_MAIN', 'API_ENDPOINT_BACKUP']

EnvProvider will map environmental variables to configuration keys. Final configuration could look like this:

        env: 'production',
        port: '9000',
        mongo: {
            uri: 'mongo://localhost',
            port: '27017',
            dbName: 'AppDatabase'
        apiEndpoints: ['https://main.api.example', 'https://backup.api.example']


ArgvProvider gets configuration from command line arguments in format --name-of-option <value>.


new ArgvProvider(configurationMap, providerOptions)


name type required default description
configurationMap object yes object representing configuration. It could be nested or include arrays. Each value will be replaced with value of option with that name preceded with double dash.
providerOptions object no common options for provider. See Provider section


const { Store, ArgvProvider } = require('muchconf');

const configStore = new Store([
    new ArgvProvider({
        env: 'env',
        port: 'port',
        mongo: {
            uri: 'mongo-uri',
            port: 'mongo-port'

If we run app with command like this:

node app.js --env production --port 9000 --mongo-uri mongo://localhost --mongo-port 27017

It will result with configuration:

        env: 'production',
        port: '9000',
        mongo: {
            uri: 'mongo://localhost',
            port: '27017'


JsonProvider accepts JSON or JS object as configuration


new JsonProvider(json, providerOptions)


name type required default description
json object yes object with configuration
providerOptions object no common options for provider. See Provider section


const { Store, JsonProvider } = require('muchconf');

const configStore = new Store([
    new JsonProvider({
        env: 'production',
        port: 9000,
        mongo: {
            uri: 'mongo://localhost',
            port: 27017


JsonFileProvider imports JSON or JS file with configuration.


new JsonFileProvider(filePath, providerOptions)


name type required default description
filePath string yes path to file with configuration
providerOptions object no common options for provider. See Provider section


const { Store, JsonFileProvider } = require('muchconf');

const configStore = new Store([
    new JsonProvider('/app/config/configuration.json')

External providers

Here is list of external providers.

Configuration source Link Description
consul kmoskwiak/muchconf-consul-provider Imports configuration from consul KV store. Support for configuration reloading.

Writing custom provider

By itself Provider is not very useful, it always returns empty configuration :). Provider class allows to create custom providers.

The simplest custom provider extends Provider class and exposes load method. Here is an example of provider, which always returns { awesome: true } configuration.

const { Provider } = require('muchconf');

class AwsomeProvider extends Provider {
    constructor(commonOptions) {
        this.myConfiguration = {
            awesome: true

    load() {
        return Promise.resolve(this.myConfiguration);

To take advantage of Provider parsing function method parse must be explicitly called on value.

const { Provider } = require('muchconf');

class AwsomeProvider extends Provider {
    constructor(commonOptions) {

        this.myConfiguration = {
            awesome: 'TRUE',
            port: '9000'

    load() {
        let configuration = {};
        for(let key in this.myConfiguration) {
            configuration[key] = this.parse(this.myConfiguration[key]);
        return Promise.resolve(configuration);

In above example, if AsomeProvider will be called with options { castNumber: true, convertTrueFalseStrings: true } values 'TRUE' and '9000' will be converted to true and 9000 accordingly.

Provider can emit update event when configuration changes. muchconf listens for those events and can reload application. To enable provider watching method startWatching must be called.

const { Provider } = require('muchconf');
const database = require('someDatabase');

class AwsomeProvider extends Provider {
    constructor(commonOptions) {
        this.db = database.connect();

        this.configuration = {};

    async getConfiguration() {
        return this.db.select('configuration');

    watchForChanges() {
        setTimeout( async () => {
            let config = await this.db.select('configuration');
            // Make sure that configuration has changed!
            this.configuration = config;
        }, 60000)

    async load() {
        this.configuration = await getConfiguration();
        return Promise.resolve(this.configuration);


See examples:


npm run test