Create a REST application with a single endpoint :

POST /api/convert Body:

    "fromCurrency": "GBP",
    "toCurrency" : "EUR",
    "amount" : 102.6

The return should be an object with the exchange rate between the fromCurrency to toCurrency and the amount converted to the second currency.

    "exchange" : 1.11,
    "amount" : 113.886,
    "original" : 102.6


Run this using sbt. If you downloaded this project from repository then you'll find a prepackaged version of sbt in the project directory:

sbt run

And then go to http://localhost:9000 to see the running web application.


sbt test


  • Dockerization
  • More tests
  • Avoid exceptions
  • Input validation
  • Monitoring and limiting
  • Authentication