
Dependency network and Tasks

Primary LanguageScala

Dependency Network API

Provide detailed information on your product and how to run it here

Required Dependencies

  • Docker

To make your life easier you can find some of the endpoints in the Postman collection bellow: https://www.getpostman.com/collections/fa7a362c4255e8e87bb9


  • In memory DB for Neo4J
  • Fix DNetwork tests (due to the chain of the requests some tests fail, but works properly when run them sequentially)
  • Input validation for the routes
  • Make the paths in one place
  • Make sample of data for Integration tests
  • Add Swagger file


  • Akka HTTP
  • H2 in memory Relational Database
  • Neo4J for Dependency network storage
  • JWT for authentication / authorization
  • Dockerized application
  • BONUS implementation (more than bonus)

Please check the it folder in the src for the Integration Tests Please check the test folder in the src for the Unit Tests


- chmod +x run.sh
- ./run.sh