
A simple Rest API Skeleton with Akka HTTP and plenty of tools ;-) Enjoy our project!

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


Table of contents

General info

This project demonstrates the Akka HTTP library and Scala to write a simple REST service. The project shows the following tasks that are typical for most Akka HTTP-based projects:

  • starting standalone HTTP server,
  • handling file-based configuration,
  • logging,
  • routing,
  • deconstructing requests,
  • unmarshalling JSON entities to Scala's case classes,
  • marshaling Scala's case classes to JSON responses,
  • error handling,
  • issuing requests to external services,
  • testing with mocking of external services.
  • authentication using JWT
  • documentation using Swagger Open API
  • dockerized application
  • integration testing end to end

The service in the template provides User related REST endpoints.

Development guide

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

Code formatting

There are Scalafmt integrated to the project. Its a opinionated code formatter that formats a code automatically instead of you. To use it, please run sbt scalafmt before commit or enable format on save in IntelijIdea (should be available in other editors too).

Checking code coverage

To generate code coverage report, please run: sbt clean coverage test coverageReport. Then you will have HTML pages with reports in /target/scala-2.13/scoverage-report


Application packaging implemented via sbt-native-packager plugin. Currently in build.sbt enabled two types: docker and universal.

Universal packager
To package application as a universal app, use: sbt universal:packageBin. Application zip archive will be generated in /target/universal/ folder.

Docker packager
To package application as docker image, use sbt docker:publishLocal. It will generate and push application image into your local docker store. For information about publishing to external store, please, read plugin documentation.


First you have to start the dependencies for the main application using Docker.

docker-compose up

using this command you can confirm that the dependencies already started:

Service name Service port
skeletondb 5435
skeletontestdb 5436
skeletonpgadmin 8005
prometheus 9090
cadvisor 8050
alertmanager 9093
grafana 3000
node-exporter 9100
elasticsearch 9200 & 9300
logstash 5000 & 9600
kibana 5601
collector 14269
agent 5778
query 16686 & 16687

Start services with sbt:

sbt run 

or use the sbt revolver so you don't have to recompile and rerun after every change:

sbt ~reStart

With the service up, you can see the Open API documentation under Swagger page.


In order to run the Integration tests we have to docker-compose up the application in order to have the test database running and then we can run the integration tests using test command:

$ sbt
> it:test

or better run:

sbt qa 

to check also dependeny updates, fmt, scalastyle etc.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


Project is created with:

  • Scala, Akka HTTP, Slick, PostgreSQL, Circe, JWT, Scalafmt, Prometheus, Kibana, Elastic, Kamon, Swagger, Flyway


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


Copyright (C) 2020 Petros I. Kontogiannis and Emmanouil Palavras.
Distributed under the MIT License.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details