[](REPO_URL goes here)
App introduction goes here ...
Install Docker for Mac
Setup and boot the Docker containers:
Setup the databases:
- Postgres:
rake db:setup
Run the Rails app
foreman start -f Procfile.dev
Add the following build settings to run the tests in the Docker environment via Docker Compose (configuration in docker-compose.test.yml
- Configure the environment variable
to tag Docker images per branch:
Each branch needs to have its own Docker image to avoid build settings disparities and leverage Docker image caching.
BRANCH_TAG must not contain special characters (
) to be valid. So using $BRANCH_NAME will not work e.g. chore/setup-docker. An alternative is to use a unique identifier such as PR_ID or BRANCH_ID on the CI server.
- Pull the latest version the Docker image for the branch:
docker pull $DOCKER_IMAGE:$BRANCH_TAG || true
On each build, the CI environment does not contain yet a cached version of the image. Therefore, it is required to pull
it first to leverage the cache_from
settings of Docker Compose which avoids rebuilding the whole Docker image on subsequent test builds.
- Build the Docker image:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml build
Upon the first build, the whole Docker image is built from the ground up and tagged using $BRANCH_TAG
- Push the latest version of the Docker image for this branch:
- Setup the test database:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml run test bin/bundle exec rake db:test:prepare
To setup the semaphore CI 2.0 for the project, please follow this guideline
- Run all tests:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml run test
- Run a specific test:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml run test bin/bundle exec spec [rspec-params]
Make sure that the config file
for pronto has been added as a configuration file. -
In the CI build script, add the following command:
if ([ $BRANCH_NAME != 'master' ] && [ $BRANCH_NAME != 'development' ]); then \
(echo "Running pronto"; bundle exec pronto run -f bitbucket_pr -c origin/development); else \ (echo "Escaping pronto"); \