- acuartango
- benaltairBC, Canada
- bodiroga
- celosopUFRPE
- chforest
- cormier@erudit
- ejklockKlock Tecnologia
- fabriziomachadoUnesc
- fdolivRecife, Pernambuco, Brasil.
- fzappaRio de Janeiro
- gustavofonsecaSão Paulo, Brazil
- handsomelinsCHINA
- hbgitBoa Vista - RR
- HyperpolymathCC-Studio
- jamerply
- javierlorenzodNielsenIQ
- Jblew@digitevent
- jmvezicRentlio
- joeprabawaDenpasar, Bali, Indonesia
- khoibv
- lincolnnhNew Zealand
- luisfelipe3dRecife, PE
- LuisLepidusLepidus Tecnologia
- malakhovksV.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
- marcbriaUAB
- matgnFrance
- mgax@torchbox
- NoorBayari@NADSoft-dev
- pathrosPatrotsky
- pixelandpenGeotab
- rdmpageUniversity of Glasgow
- robertocamargoRoberto
- thigas88@logoscomunicacao
- wickr
- YoshieraHuangChengdu, China