Mismatching reference ids
fabiobatalha opened this issue · 1 comments
fabiobatalha commented
Reference id in the body:
<p>D'un point de vue psychodynamique, en général, l’impulsivité est plutôt abordée sous l’angle du passage à l'acte (<xref ref-type="bibr" id="IDd68b9f40-2713-4554-98ef-a4f5cd511d90">A. Raoult, 2006</xref>). </p>
Reference id:
<ref id="R48">
<element-citation publication-type="journal">
<person-group person-group-type="author">
<article-title>Clinique et psychopathologie du passage à l\textquotesingleacte</article-title>
<source>Bulletin de psychologie</source>
This behaviour lead to references mismatching in Texture
axfelix commented
Thanks! We've done a lot of work on this part over the past few years and it should be a very rare issue when it does occur.
In this case, it looks like it's not a mismatch (which would be more concerning, since we shouldn't ever be seeing false positives here) but just a failed match (the xref element would have a rid
if it actually matched; the id
is more of a pkey for the xref than a link to the references themselves), which is an acceptable failure.