- 24
Errors on tests after install
#88 opened by Vitaliy-1 - 1
default to some citation style
#101 opened by jalperin - 8
- 8
- 10
Starting jobs fails with nothing logged on PHP 7.1
#111 opened by axfelix - 15
Define default value for field trace in table queue_default while initializing the database
#138 opened by fabiobatalha - 4
- 4
Bump Texture version
#146 opened by axfelix - 6
- 0
Migrate to newer CrossRef API for performance reasons
#145 opened by axfelix - 1
- 1
Update to Texture 1.0.0-preview1
#139 opened by axfelix - 0
- 2
- 1
Default to APA Citation style if none is provided
#132 opened by axfelix - 7
- 5
Empty contrib-group in conversionStage 5
#117 opened by fabiobatalha - 3
- 4
Data loss after saving document in Texture
#126 opened by fabiobatalha - 1
Mismatching reference ids
#128 opened by fabiobatalha - 1
References Index not starting from 1
#129 opened by fabiobatalha - 1
Mismatching reference
#127 opened by fabiobatalha - 6
Error with
#118 opened by etouceda - 29
- 1
Invalid table-wrap inside fn element
#125 opened by fabiobatalha - 2
Affiliation in wrong position in the XML.
#120 opened by fabiobatalha - 3
Invalid nested paragraph
#122 opened by fabiobatalha - 0
raw texts inside sec element
#124 opened by fabiobatalha - 1
disp-quote not valid en td
#121 opened by fabiobatalha - 0
JATS4R constrains: lists inside disp-quote elements.
#123 opened by fabiobatalha - 1
OTS API raising 403 for large files.
#115 opened by fabiobatalha - 0
API raising 403 for unauthorized access.
#116 opened by fabiobatalha - 0
Implement rate-limiting
#114 opened by axfelix - 2
- 5
- 2
Rearrange figure captions in output XML
#107 opened by axfelix - 4
- 0
Rewrite metadata validation
#102 opened by axfelix - 2
XMP creation may have regressed
#98 opened by axfelix - 3
Update included version of Texture
#96 opened by axfelix - 1
Some documents being created as root when submitted from OJS, causing permission issues
#99 opened by axfelix - 8
- 1
Make CrossRef API lookup fail more gracefully
#87 opened by axfelix - 5
Installation Error (
#90 opened by shaharyarahmad - 1
- 3
- 10
Stabilize substance editor endpoints upstream
#84 opened by axfelix - 0
- 0
Add "forgot password" link to login page
#81 opened by axfelix - 0
Don't use plaintext passwords in API calls
#78 opened by axfelix