
xref in the body do not match any reference id in the back.

fabiobatalha opened this issue · 3 comments

Example of xref in the body:

<xref ref-type="bibr" id="IDa1dea654-f33b-4e78-a33b-93b72f12de04">

The ID's in the body is a sort of UUID value while the references id are a sequential value like R1, R2, R3.....

This behaviour leads to invalid xref matching in Texture.

screenshot from 2018-03-02 15-54-09

Not only Texture. Any other tools will not be able to use it, all of these xref ids must be fixed manually.

As in #128, this usually just means we failed to match citations to the reference list -- there would be an rid attribute of xref if they were matched.

Oh sorry, I thought I had not opened this issue.... You were fast in close the other one.