BaseWars is a gamemode all about printing and raiding. Build your own base to print tons of money while fighting off enemies trying to raid you!
- Easy to setup!
- Easy to configure!
- Crashes recover lost player money!
- Progression via a configurable leveling system!
- Automated anti-spawnkill!
- Automated raiding, no more 'random raids'!
- Custom chatbox!
- Built-in textscreens!
- Custom language support!
- Easy to use entity bases!
- Developer support!
The gamemode's default config uses Customizable Weaponry 2.0, you can install the needed packs from here:
Or, if you want, just edit the config to use other weapons!
- A CPPI compliant prop-protection addon. recommended
- A fading door addon.
- Easylua, which can be downloaded here!
- Drag the folder into
. - Make sure easylua is installed in
. - Edit
to your own liking.
These Screenshots have not been updated.
Main Developer: Callum J. Slaney
Developer: Andrew Austin
Developer: Stepan Fedotov
Developer: Ling
Credited in the author field of the gamemode.
-- Manipulating players money
-- Manipulating players level
-- Manipulating players prestige
-- The type field can either be prestige, points or perk
-- All Perk Names/ID's are available in the Config. ( Example: healthperk )
ply:GivePrestige( type, amount, perk )
ply:SetPrestige( type, amount, perk )
ply:TakePrestige( type, amount, perk )
-- Manipulating players karma
-- Utility global functions
BaseWars.UTIL.RefundAll(ply, returnAsTable) -- Call with no arg to do full server refund, with arg to refund only them, call with second arg to REFUND NO-ONE but get a 'UID = Money' table
BaseWars.NumberFormat(number) -- Converts to scale suffixed, eg 8,100,000 -> 8.1 Million
-- Utility metamethods
ply:InFaction(name, leader) -- args optional, ply:InFaction() for ANY faction, ply:InFaction(nil, true) if LEADER of ANY faction, ect
ply:Notify(string, color) -- For strings try and keep them localised using BaseWars.LANG, and there are some global color enums, BASEWARS_NOTIFCATION_*
-- Available hooks
hook.Add("BaseWars_PlayerEmptyPrinter", "name", function(ply, ent, money) end)
hook.Add("BaseWars_PlayerBuyEntity", "name", function(ply, ent) end)
hook.Add("BaseWars_PlayerBuyGun", "name", function(ply, ent) end)
hook.Add("BaseWars_PlayerBuyDrug", "name", function(ply, ent) end)
hook.Add("BaseWars_PlayerBuyProp", "name", function(ply, ent) end)
-- 'CanBuy' hooks can be returned as false to block buying, with the second arg being an error message
hook.Add("BaseWars_PlayerCanBuyEntity", "name", function(ply, class) end)
hook.Add("BaseWars_PlayerCanBuyGun", "name", function(ply, class) end)
hook.Add("BaseWars_PlayerCanBuyDrug", "name", function(ply, class) end)
hook.Add("BaseWars_PlayerCanBuyProp", "name", function(ply, class) end)
-- Similar to the 'CanBuy', you can return false with an error message.
hook.Add("CanCreateFaction", "name", function(ply, name, password) end)
hook.Add("CanJoinFaction", "name", function(ply, name, password) end)
hook.Add("CanLeaveFaction", "name", function(ply, disband) end)
-- Same as above, false to make them unraidable, followed by a reason why.
hook.Add("PlayerIsRaidable", "name", function(ply) end)
-- Called when certain drug events happen to a player
hook.Add("PlayerRemoveDrug", "name", function(ply, effect) end)
hook.Add("PlayerApplyDrug", "name", function(ply, effect) end)
-- Deriving entities
ENT.Base = "bw_base" -- Generic electronic
ENT.Base = "bw_base_electronics" -- Power CONSUMING electronic
ENT.Base = "bw_base_generator" -- Power GENERATING electronic
ENT.Base = "bw_base_moneyprinter" -- Template moneyprinter
ENT.Base = "bw_base_turret" -- Automated turrets!
ENT.Base = "bw_base_explosive" -- Explosive base, with support for cluster bombs
ENT.Base = "bw_explosive_mine" -- Explosive base with code for proximity detonation
-- You can also base off of a lot of entities if you want to inherit their behaviours
-- For example, the vending machine contains a lot of code that allows its behaviour to be modified