
An open-source NLP research library, built on PyTorch.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

This repository contains a very shallow wrapping script around allen nlp, to make testing of (PyTorch, Python 3.6) support easy on Clusterone. It should run bioth locally and on Clusterone.

For the original allennlp README, see (here)[https://github.com/allenai/allennlp/blob/master/README.md]


The allennlp package mostly functions as a command line utility. As passing bash scripts to start jobs is not yet supported by Clusterone, the command line is wrapped in a python script in this repo (run.py). This is far from ideal, and will be dropped as soon as Clusterone's interfaces become more flexible (Project POLYMORPH).

Allen NLP is started by starting the run module, and passing:

  • amode argument that defines if a training or evaluation task will be performed, and whether it should expect a GPU. It accepts:

    • train (default): execute a training task on a one GPU
    • train_CPU (default): execute a training task on CPU
    • evaluate: execute an evaluation task on CPU
  • a logs_path argument, that defines where the script should write outputs. It defaults to /logs/outputs, meaning the path is by default the correct path to successfully run on Clusterone. Locally, a valid output path needs to be provided.

Testing Instructions

After setting up a project based on this repository, create the following jobs. No datasets is required as the code will download it itself.

  1. Run (Pytorch, Python 3.6, CPU) jobs just create job single ... --mode train_cpu --python-version 3.6 --instance-type <CPU-instances> --framework pytorch-1.0.0 --requirements requirements.txt

  2. Run (Pytorch, Python 3.6, GPU) jobs just create job single ... --mode train --python-version 3.6 --instance-type <GPU-instances> --framework pytorch-1.0.0 --requirements requirements.txt

Playing with the test locally

After cloning the repository, run pip install requirements.txt. The original allen nlp repository gives instructions on how to adjust this depending on your system.

Acceptance Criteria

Tests pass if you see an output that indicates the job is successfully training (see line outlined by >>>). Note the loss, and the "1%" which indicates how far the training has progressed and would eventually reach 100% (8 hours on a GPU). If in doubt, run the test locally first to build intuition on how the results should look like.

... stdout was cut ...

2018-06-13 15:28:25,496 - INFO - allennlp.training.trainer - Beginning training.
2018-06-13 15:28:25,496 - INFO - allennlp.training.trainer - Epoch 0/19
2018-06-13 15:28:25,496 - INFO - allennlp.training.trainer - Peak CPU memory usage MB: 3849.433088
  0%|          | 0/2190 [00:00<?, ?it/s]2018-06-13 15:28:25,556 - INFO - allennlp.training.trainer - Training
/Users/malomarrec/code/allennlp/allennlp/modules/encoder_base.py:93: UserWarning: invalid index of a 0-dim tensor. This will be an error in PyTorch 0.5. Use tensor.item() to convert a 0-dim tensor to a Python number
  num_valid = torch.sum(mask[:, 0]).int().data[0]
>>> start_acc: 0.0250, end_acc: 0.0387, span_acc: 0.0138, em: 0.0150, f1: 0.0699, loss: 9.5805 ||:   1%|          | 20/2190 [39:50<72:03:05