Zwei Apps in der Mache:
- "login" organizes Twitter Login
- "block" allows you to install all kinds of blocklists
These Apps are based on the Django Python Web-Framework. There are two apps, login and block. Website rendering is controlled in the respective "" functions. Database modeling is done in Here is more info on Django:
TODO login:
- give the app some nice design
TODO block:
- blocking is currently implemented in a way that will probably kill the server if too many people do it. should be implemented with a scheduler and recurrent jobs for blocking.
- blocklist models and import export functionality
- auto update blocklists with retweeters from certain hate-accounts (e.g. new right)
For running requires the following values in the Environment:
- os.environ['APP_KEY']
- os.environ['APP_SECRET']
- os.environ["DEBUG"] = "disabled" / "enabled"
- os.environ["SECRET_KEY"]
- os.environ["DB_Name"]
- os.environ['DB_USER']
- os.environ['DB_PASSWORD']
- os.environ['DB_HOST']
- os.environ['ROOT_PROD'] = ""
- os.environ['ROOT_TEST'] = ""
- Send Love to random far right accounts
- Dashboard for monitoring of a list of far right accounts