=== GITHUB PLUGIN USAGE === Global Parameter: - username Always required - github handle - refresh Cache refresh time - defaults to 30 (minutes) Github API Limit: 60 req/min - prefix Optional variable prefix to avoid conflicts Example: {location} (an EE global): {exp:github:user username="bob" prefix="github-user-"} {github-user-location} {/exp:github:user} - offline_stale_cache Attempt to use a stale cache if Github is offline (defaults to yes) exp:github:user Parameters - username Variables - {name} - {company} - {location} - {email} - {blog} - {following-count} - {followers-count} - {public-repo-count} - {public-gist-count} exp:github:user_repos Parameters - username Variables - {description} - {name} - {forks} - fork count - {watchers} - {owner} - {homepage} - {url} - {count} - {switch="a|b"} exp:github:commits Parameters - username - repository - branch (defaults to master) - path (defaults to /) - commit (sha value - shows single commit) - limit (number of commits to show - cannot be used with "commit") Variables - {message} - {author-name} - {author-email} - {committed-date} - {authored-date} - {committer-name} - {commiter-email} - {count} - {switch="a|b"} exp:github:repository Parameters - username - repository Variables - {name} - {description} - {forks} - {watchers} - {url} - {owner} - {homepage} exp:github:tree Parameters - username - repository - tree - limit - show_hidden Variables - {name} - {sha} - {mode} - {type} - {count} - {switch="a|b"} // Not Implemented: exp:github:issues Parameters: - username - repository - state (open|closed) - number (show a single issue) - count Variables: - {number} - {title} - {body} - {user} - {votes} - {created_at} - {updated_at}