
Vahti is a tool that keeps track on given websites (currently Tori.fi and Posti parcel tracking) and notifies the user on new items via email

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Vahti is a tool that keeps track on given websites and notifies the user on new items via email.

Currently only posti.fi parcel tracking and tori.fi are supported. However, new parsers can now be easily added.

This script isn't a daemon so it should be run on Crontab or Scheduler to automate the process. The script is tested to be working on Python 3.2+ and depends on BeautifulSoup4.

Please note that, you might have to turn on access for less secure apps in google account security settings, in order to use the smtplib for sending notification mails. (Also, check your spam if you don't see the notifications sent).


  1. Change settings in config.py accordingly
  2. (Install Python 3.x) and install requirements with pip pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run the script with options python vahti.py [options]
    • -h, --help to show the script help message
    • -p, --parser to select which parser to use (currently you can select from "tori" or "posti")
    • -q, --query to give the query string (i.e. posti tracking number or tori.fi search query). Separate multiple queries with a comma.
    • -e, --email to specify a different email recipient
    • -c, --clear to empty the database

Some query examples:

python vahti.py --parser tori --query nintendo --email workmail@work.fi
python vahti.py -p tori --query "sohva,tuoli,pöytä"
python vahti.py -p posti -q JJFI99992261500081870

Clear the database

python vahti.py --clear

Here's a fully working crontab line for searching nintendos in tori.fi and tracking parcels:

*/15 * * * * python3 /home/peter/projects/vahti/vahti.py --parser tori --query "nintendo" --email peter@gmail.com 

Unfortunately currently the script supports only one parser at a time, so if you want to use both tori and posti at the same time, you will need to add several crontab lines.