
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/jquery-php

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

= jQuery PHP

    Library for work with jQuery framework from server-side.

== Requirements

    * PHP 5.2.0 or higher (with JSON extension)
    * jQuery 1.2.1 or higher

== Documentation

    Please see the jQuery PHP  documentation on site: http://jquery.hohli.com

== Author

    name: Anton Shevchuk
    homepage: http://anton.shevchuk.name
== History
    0.8.3 - 2009.03.16
        * fix Zend classes
        * fix jQuery usage
        + add suport method addData 

    0.8 - 2008.11.21
        + Zend Action Helper (and change help)
        + debug area
        + pack version
        - remove popup debug window
    0.5.2 - 2008.09.11
        + example "send form"
        + plugin jQuery-Form

    0.5.1 - 2008.07.28
        + example "ajax loading image" with small image "ajax-loader.gif"
        + example "error handler"
        - remove method "jQuery" (cause an E_STRICT error)
        ! very important, now "jQuery::jQuery('#..')" is not working, use short call "jQuery('#..')"

    0.5 - 2008.07.07
        + history :)
        + alias in PHP - now aviable function jQuery (see example)
        * jQuery 1.2.6 in example
        * remove call '$' function - only full name - jQuery
    0.4 - 2008.04.15
        # not remember
    0.3 - 2008.01.09
        * hotfix
    0.2 - 2008.01.04
        # first public revision
 "+" added new feature
 "-" remove some stuff
 "*" fix bug or some changes
 "#" comment
 "!" very important comment