
API for corpora

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Build status PyPI versioncodecov

This package includes API for

R version of this package by George Moroz is located here


If you want to install our package, please type the following command in Terminal:

pip install lingcorpora


sudo pip install lingcorpora

If you had Python 3 and Python 2, type:

pip3 install lingcorpora

Or (for Linux users):

sudo pip3 install lingcorpora

To import it in your project, type:

import lingcorpora

Note: this package does not require Pandas to be installed.
The output of functions is a list of occurences, which are in turn are also lists. The output can be used as an input to a Pandas DataFrame (see examples below).


rus_search, pol_search, deu_search, bam_search, emk_search

All these functions are using the following arguments:

  • query – the actual query (wordform, or regular expression, if corpus supports it)
  • corpus - the subcorpus where you want to search (it differs from corpora to corpora)
  • tag - True or False by default it is False, when it is True, it shows you morphological tags where they are present
  • n_results - the actual quantity of the results (by default it is 10)
  • kwic - True or False , shows in kwic format (by default it is True)
  • write - True or False , writes results to an csv file (by default it is False)


This function has the following arguments:

  • query - a query to search by (regular expressions are supported, read instructions in the corpus (in Chinese))
  • corpus - 'xiandai' (modern Chinese, by default) or 'dugai' (ancient Chinese)
  • mode - 'simple' (default) or 'pattern' (they differ in syntax, read instructions in the corpus (in Chinese))
  • n_results - desired number of results (10 by default)
  • n_left - length of left context (in chars, max = 40, 30 by default)
  • n_right - length of right context (in chars, max = 40, 30 by default)
  • write - True or False , writes results to an csv file (by default it is False)
  • kwic - True or False , shows in kwic format (by default it is True)

Output examples


>>> output = lingcorpora.bam_search(query='súngurun', corpus='corbama-net-tonal')
>>> print(output)
[["y' à bìla sunguru dɔ́ dè kàn .", 'súnguru', "nìn tɛ́ fóyì kɛ́ , n' à wúlila à"],
["dén nìn mìnɛ k' à ɲími , k' ò bɛ́na", 'súngurunninw', 'lɔ̀gɔbɛ  kàna sɔ̀n kà tág
a túlon'], ['kà tága só . kàbini  dón ,', 'súngurunw', 'tɛ́ sɔ̀n kà bɔ́  ká dùgu 
lá kà tága'], ['tága túlon kɛ́ dùgu wɛ́rɛ lá , sísan', 'súngurun', 'dɔw ,  bɛ́ dòn
móbili lá kà tága'], ['díya bɛ́ bán . 172 ) ní fɛ́n wɛ́rɛ má', 'súngurunya', 'sà , 
síjɛtigiya nà  sà . 173 ) tìle'], ['bìlakoroba fàga jóona ,  bólo nà dá', 'sún
gurun', 'sín ná . 402 ) « ní Ála má  sònya'], ['bóloɲɛ fɔ́lɔ tɛ́ mɔ̀gɔɲumandun yé 
. 948 )', 'súngurunba', 'bóloɲɛ fɔ́lɔ tɛ́ mɔ̀gɔɲumandun yé . 949'], ["mùsokɔrɔnin y
 wɔ̀lɔgɛn ná ,  y' à sɔ̀rɔ à", 'súngurunma', 'dè yé dɔ́ mìnɛ . 959 )  yé sìrakwà
ma'], [' ɲɛ́dɔn dè ? 1017 ) kámalenba dè bɛ́', 'súngurunba', 'sìyɔrɔ dɔ́n . 1018 )
kànu bɛ́ npògotigi'], ["2792 ) mɔ̀gɔ t'  fɔ́ wáliden mà « ", 'súngurunba', "! » ,
 tá bɛ́  bólo ,  t'  lában"]]
>>> import pandas
>>> print(pandas.DataFrame(output, columns=['left','center','right']))
                                                left         center  \
0                 y'  bìla sunguru dɔ́ dè kàn .       súnguru   
1          dén nìn mìnɛ k' à ɲími , k'  bɛ́na  súngurunninw   
2                  kà tága só . kàbini  dón ,     súngurunw   
3          tága túlon kɛ́ dùgu wɛ́rɛ lá , sísan      súngurun   
4          díya bɛ́ bán . 172 ) ní fɛ́n wɛ́rɛ má    súngurunya   
5        bìlakoroba fàga jóona ,  bólo nà dá      súngurun   
6        bóloɲɛ fɔ́lɔ tɛ́ mɔ̀gɔɲumandun yé . 948 )    súngurunba   
7  mùsokɔrɔnin yé wɔ̀lɔgɛn ná ,  y'  sɔ̀rɔ     súngurunma   
8           ɲɛ́dɔn dè ? 1017 ) kámalenba dè bɛ́    súngurunba   
9           2792 ) mɔ̀gɔ t'  fɔ́ wáliden mà «     súngurunba   

0        nìn tɛ́ fóyì kɛ́ , n'  wúlila   
1        lɔ̀gɔbɛ  kàna sɔ̀n kà tága túlon  
2   tɛ́ sɔ̀n kà bɔ́  ká dùgu lá kà tága  
3       dɔw ,  bɛ́ dòn móbili lá kà tága  
4    sà , síjɛtigiya nà  sà . 173 ) tìle  
5     sín ná . 402 ) « ní Ála má  sònya  
6     bóloɲɛ fɔ́lɔ tɛ́ mɔ̀gɔɲumandun yé . 949  
7  dè yé dɔ́ mìnɛ . 959 )  yé sìrakwàma  
8    sìyɔrɔ dɔ́n . 1018 ) kànu bɛ́ npògotigi  
9   ! » ,  tá bɛ́  bólo ,  t'  lában 

pol_search (with tags)

>>> import pandas
>>> output = lingcorpora.pl_search('powstanie' , tag=True, n_results=15))
>>> print(pandas.DataFrame(output, columns=['left','center','right']))
                                                left       center  \
0   . [.:interp]  [:qub] na [na:prep:acc] siłę...   powstanie    
1    czy [czy:qub] taki [taki:adj:sg:nom:m3:pos] k...   powstanie    
2    dwudziestu [dwadzieścia:num:pl:gen:m3:congr] ...   powstanie    
3    koło [koło:prep:gen] Suchowoli [Suchowoli:ign...   powstanie    
4    po [po:prep:loc] kilku [kilka:num:pl:gen:m3:c...   powstanie    
5    i [i:conj] opadało [opadać:praet:sg:n:imperf]...   powstanie    
6    tego [ten:adj:sg:gen:m3:pos], [,:interp] co [...   powstanie    
7    humanitarnie [humanitarnie:adv:pos] niesłycha...   powstanie    
8    uran [uran:subst:sg:nom:m3] i [i:conj] wielki...   powstanie    
9    popiołów [popiół:subst:pl:gen:m3] Bytu [byt:s...   powstanie    
10   co [co:subst:sg:acc:n] pan [pan:subst:sg:nom:...   powstanie    
11   ta [ten:adj:sg:nom:f:pos] dziura [dziura:subs...   powstanie    
12   istnienia [istnieć:ger:sg:gen:n:imperf:aff] m...   powstanie    
13   koledzy [kolega:subst:pl:nom:m1] chcą [chcieć...   powstanie    
14   szmaragdowo [szmaragdowy:adja]- [-:interp]błę...   powstanie    

0    i [i:conj] gniew [gniew:subst:sg:nom:m3] stra...  
1   , [,:interp] zadecydujemy [zadecydować:fin:pl:...  
2    i [i:conj] własną [własny:adj:sg:acc:f:pos] j...  
3    car [car:subst:sg:nom:m1] majątek [majątek:su...  
4    nowy [nowy:adj:sg:nom:m3:pos] mit [mit:subst:...  
5   . [.:interp] Potem [potem:adv] coraz [coraz:ad...  
6   . [.:interp] Pieniądze [pieniądz:subst:pl:nom:...  
7    ( [(:interp]wot [wot:ign], [,:interp] kak [ka...  
8   ! [!:interp] Ja [ja:ppron12:sg:nom:m1:pri] aut...  
9   ! [!:interp] Cudowny [cudowny:adj:sg:nom:m3:po...  
10   to [to:pred] trochę [trochę:adv]. [.:interp]....  
11  ? [?:interp] – [–:interp] Tak [tak:adv:pos]. [...  
12  . [.:interp]. [.:interp]. [.:interp] Zobacz [z...  
13  ? [?:interp] Albo [albo:conj] za [za:prep:acc]...  
14   na [na:prep:acc] deskach [deska:subst:pl:loc:...