
Java 8 Library for Building High-Performance, Thread-per-Core Applications

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION


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Windmill is a Java 8 library for building high-performance applications using the "Thread-per-Core" or "Shared-Nothing" architecture. It is hosted on Maven Central:



Recent trends in commodity hardware (increased core count over increased core speed, NUMA, storage on the PCI bus, etc) have required a change in architecture for applications wishing to achieve the best performance on the hardware on which it is being run. While asynchronous programming has become popular in recent years, alone it is insufficient. Single-threaded event-loop models pose a challenge for developers and operators trying to use every core on a machine, often requiring multiple processes to be run, limiting the ability to communicate sans IPC and increasing operations/management overhead. Meanwhile, multi-threaded event loops, or similar architectures like common SEDA implementations in Java, that leave scheduling to the operating system, and potentially use many many threads, don't take advantage of NUMA or leave it to the operating system. They may also pay a high context switching cost. Windmill provides the advantages of both approaches while trying to minimize some of the downsides (e.g. by providing a familiar programming model for an unfamiliar architecture).

Concepts, Usage, and Examples

A simple, networked key-value store and client example can be found here. The following describes the components of windmill and how to use them.

CPU and CPUSets

The CPU is the primary execution abstraction in windmill. Each instance maintains its own run queue, network, and IO services. Multiple CPUs can be running, executing work, at any given time, and, if the underlying operating system supports it, each CPU has its affinity set to a physical core on the machine. Work is scheduled on a specific CPU and work performed on one CPU can explicitly schedule more work on other CPUs. Hyper-Threading is explicitly disabled, when affinities are set, preventing jitter and unnecessary resource contention.

Every windmill application contains one or more, but typically only one, CPUSet. CPUSets provide an interface to manage and run multiple CPUs.

Futures and Promises

Windmill applications are programmed using a familiar and convenient asynchronous programming model: Futures and Promises. Like java.lang.concurrent.Future, a windmill Future represents a computation that may be completed or that will complete at a later time. The interface allows applications to schedule future work based on the result of the previous asynchronous task. The Promise, typically not used by the windmill application programmer, is the implementation that performs the work, making the result available to the Future.

Nearly every operation provided by windmill returns a Future<T>, where T represents the result type. This includes network, disk, and ad-hoc work scheduled on a CPU.

Where windmill's Futures are different from existing JVM Future implementations is in an extra, optional, argument to functions that allow scheduling of future work based on the Futures result, like map or flatMap. The remoteCPU argument, allows the work to be scheduled on a different CPU than where the Future originally executed, allowing for granular control over where pieces of the application execute.

Scheduling and Performing Work

The CPU.schedule() function allows for performing arbitrary work, expressed as a Java 8 lambda:

CPU cpu = ...
cpu.schedule(() -> System.out.println("hello world!"));

The schedule function returns a Future<T>, where T is the return type of the lambda expression (in this case Void), which can be used to schedule more work as a result of the completion of the first task. The example above could also be written in this more verbose form:

cpu.schedule(() -> System.out.print("hello ")).onComplete(() -> System.out.println("world!"));


To provide support for networked applications, each windmill CPU maintains its own set of network sockets, which can be opened using functions defined on CPU instances. Asynchronous operations are implemented using java's Selector and SocketChannel interfaces. Once opened, applications can perform socket operations on io.windmill.net.Channel.

To listen for new TCP connections on a given host and port use CPU.listen(), which takes an InetSocketAddress and two lambdas -- one to handle newly accepted connections and the other when there is an exception. The following example prints a message for each new connection or the stacktrace of the failure if there is one.

CPU cpu = ...
cpu.listen(new InetSocketAddress("", 8080),  (channel) -> {
  System.out.println("connected => " + channel);
}, Throwable::printStackTrace);

To connect to a socket use CPU.connect, which returns a Future<Channel>, that can be used like any other windmill Future.

Once a reference to a Channel has been obtained, reading and writing can be performed via the InputStream and OutputStream available via Channel.getOutput and Channel.getInput, respectively. The Input/OutputStream API supports both fixed size reads and writes, and consuming from the socket as a stream of bytes as they arrive. The OutputStream also supports explicit flushing, enabling more control over when bytes are written to the network. An example of their use can be found here.

The following, simple example illustrates reading a given number of integers from the stream, returning their sum. The first integer (four bytes) represents the length of the message, which once read, provides the number of bytes to read from the stream (passed to input::read). The bytes read are then interpreted as integers and summed before being written back to the OutputStream.

InputStream input = c.getInput();
OutputStream output = c.getOutput();

c.loop((cpu) ->
       .map((msg) -> {
         int sum = 0;
         while (msg.readableBytes() > 0)
           sum += msg.readInt();
         return output.writeInt(sum).flush();


Windmill also supports scheduling delayed work via the CPU.sleep function. A delayed Hello World example could be written as:

CPU cpu = ...
cpu.sleep(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS, () -> System.out.println("hello, world!"));

Or, using the Future returned by sleep:

Future<String> f = cpus.get(0).sleep(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS, () -> "hello ");
f.onSuccess((s) -> System.out.println(s + "world!"));


For each CPU, windmill maintains its own pool of I/O threads for performing disk operations. A page cache, similar to the page cache in the Linux kernel, is also maintained per CPU, which avoids copies, enables more efficient data retrieval, coalesces reads & writes, and reduces overhead on explicit flushes. If the CPUs affinity is set, the affinity for these threads is set to the same physical core. By isolating Disk I/O to a core, the machine can better use its local CPU caches. The CPU provides two ways to perform work on these threads: the direct approach, CPU.scheduleIO, or indirectly via operations on file's opened by CPU.open.

CPU.scheduleIO is similar to CPU.schedule but the work is performed on one of the disk I/O threads instead of being executed as part of the CPU's main run-loop. The Future<File> returned by open and the FileContext provided by File.seek provide an interface to perform operations asynchronously on the opened file. All of these operations are performed on the disk I/O threads. The following example repeatedly appends to disk, flushing once per second.

java.io.File tmp = java.io.File.createTempFile("hello", "world");
Future<File> fileFuture = cpus.get(0).open(tmp, "rw");
cpus.get(0).repeat((CPU cpu, FileContext prev) -> {
  Future<FileContext> context = prev == null
                              ? fileFuture.flatMap((f) -> f.seek(0))
                              : Futures.constantFuture(cpu, prev);

  return context.flatMap((c) -> c.write("hello world\n".getBytes()))
                .map((c) -> Status.of(Status.Flag.CONTINUE, c));

cpus.get(0).repeat(cpu -> cpu.sleep(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS, () -> fileFuture.map(File::sync))
           .map(n -> Status.of(Status.Flag.CONTINUE)));

In this example, CPU.open is used to asynchronously open the file, and seek is used to obtain the first reference to the FileContext. FileContext provides the current position in the file and the ability to write at that position without knowing it. The FileContext from write is propagated to the next iteration by passing it to Status.of. The second call to repeat shows how it can be used for work that only produces side-effects as well.


Windmill is BSD Licensed. See the LICENSE file for more details.


See the CONTRIBUTORS file.