
Customizable weather widget for Plasma (Greek translation and enhancements)

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Customizable Weather Plasmoid (CWP) 1.5.14

This is another weather plasmoid.
It aims to be highly customizable, but a little harder to setup than other weather plasmoids.
Nearly any weather forecast provider can be used, as long as the data is provided as html files (no flash).
The information how to extract the information from these html files is stored inside xml files.
Commands like grep, head, tail, sed, awk, ... will do this job.

For now, xml files for the weather providers

www.weather.com (°F) (city identifier example: USDC0001)
br.weather.com (°C) (city identifier example: BRXX0043)
de.weather.com (°C) (city identifier example: 80331 or UKXX0085)
espanol.weather.com (°C) (city identifier example: Ciudad-de-Mexico-MXDF0132)
fr.weather.com (°C) (city identifier example: Paris-FRXX0076)
in.weather.com (°C) (city identifier example: New-Delhi-INXX0096)
uk.weather.com (°C) (city identifier example: London-UKXX0085)
wetter.com (°C) (city identifier example: DE0006515)
myforecast.com (°C) (city identifier example: 12844)
myforecast.com (°F) (city identifier example: 12844)
www.weather.com.cn (°C) (city identifier example: 101010100)
accuweather.com US (°C) (city identifier example: 85001)
accuweather.com US (°F) (city identifier example: 85001)
accuweather.com world (°C) (city identifier example: AFR|ZA|SF004|JOHANNESBURG)
accuweather.com world (°F) (city identifier example: AFR|ZA|SF004|JOHANNESBURG)
ilmeteo.it (°C) (city identifier example: Roma)
pogodynka.pl (°C) (city identifier example: Warszawa)
freemeteo.com (°C) (city identifier example: gid=3117735&la=4; control language by la=<code>, try different numbers on freemeteo page)
freemeteo.com (°F) (city identifier example: gid=3117735&la=4; control language by la=<code>, try different numbers on freemeteo page)
www.gismeteo.com (°C) (city identifier example: 4944)

are included, but feel free to write your own ones.
Please note, that some of the xml files might not work properly for all locations.
If they don't, try to update your definition files: either install latest cwp release or/and download latest xml definition
file package from
and unpack the xml files into ~/.<kdedir>/share/apps/cwp (the cwp application folder inside your home kde directory).

To access extended information about current weather condition, left-click inside the current weather description!
The time, when the provider updated his weather information is shown italic when clicked on update time.

CWP saves current weather data on exit inside $HOME/.<kdedir>/share/apps/cwp folder, so after crashes you might want to clean up
this directory, or completely remove it.

Parts of the source code are taken from weather plasmoid 0.4, KDE 4.2, qimageblitz, yaWP.
Thanks to the developers!


First, you need a complete build environment. You must install packages cmake, make, gcc, g++, gettext and
KDE development packages. These packages are called differently, depending on your distribution:
kde-devel on Ubuntu, task-kde4-devel on Mandriva, or similar.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` ..
make install

If you upgraded from a previous version, don't forget to restart plasma:
Run the following command from the console: "kquitapp plasma-desktop && sleep 3 && plasma-desktop && exit"

Please note: You might have to re-install CWP after KDE or Qt upggrades, otherwise you might experience plasma crashes.

Writing your own translation file

If your language is not provided with customizable weather plasmoid, you might want to write your own file.
This is very, very easy.
Let's assume, you want to write a french translation file. Proceed in the following way:

- go into "po" subdirectory of the "cwp-<version>" directory
- copy "plasma_applet_cwp.pot" to "fr.po" (replace fr by your language code)
- open the resulting fr.po with lokalize (the KDE 4 translation program, alternatively KBabel, the KDE 3 translation program
  or any text editor)
- In the beginning of the file, you should at least replace "FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>" and "CHARSET"
- CHARSET should be replaced by "utf-8". Example:

"Project-Id-Version: 1.0.1\n"
"Last-Translator: Georg Hennig <georg.hennig@web.de>\n"
"Language-Team: Deutsch\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"

- Translate all occurences of

msgid "something to translate"
msgstr "your translation"

- Careful with leading / trailing spaces and ":"! They must appear in your translation, too!
- Save the file (make sure to use UTF-8 encoding)
- Reinstall customizable weather plasmoid (complete cmake, make, make install process as described under "Installation")
- Check, whether your translation worked, and send me your translated file <georg.hennig@web.de>


Add the plasmoid to your desktop.

If you plan to use custom xml files or icon background images, place them inside a $HOME/.<kdedir>/share/apps/cwp folder.
NOTE: a custom background file should have the following name:
<extension> can be png, gif or jpg.

Otherwise, if you upgrade from a 0.3 or earlier version, you can delete $HOME/.custom_weather folder.

Open the customizable weather applet configuration dialog:

You can always export / import settings using the buttons on the first tab of the configuration dialog.

Select the weather provider that you want to use.

Enter an appropriate city identifier code for the location you want. You need to go the homepage of the provider
and look at the adress line of your browser.
Look above for examples (USDC0001 for www.weather.com).

Update frequency: update weather data every ... minute.

Other settings only affect the GUI:

Weather data

Provider: dito (see above)
Note: If you switch from °C to °F (or vice versa), you MUST close the configuration dialog and reload weather data,
otherwise the change won't take effect.

Show temperature unit: Show or hide "C" or "F", so temperatures are shown as "10°" instead of "10°C".

City idenntifier: dito (see above)

Custom image: Usually a satellite image (or some other image from the web or a local image)
  This image is displayed directly in layouts supporting custom images. If you click on this custom image thumbnail, the whole
  image will be diplayed in a popup window. This window can be closed by clicking inside it or by clicking anywhere else inside the plasmoid.
  If you are using other layouts, a small icon (small earth image) appears in the corner. Clicking on it will show the custom image.
  If you don't want to see this small earth image on these layouts, set an empty custom image's URL.
  Inside configuration dialog, you can select a satellite image from the list provided: Click on the small button with the earth icon,
  and chose it from the list.

Custom image list: A list of custom images that are diplayed. You can change between them with arrow buttons.
  If the list is empty, the current url (see above) is used (without title), if the current url is empty, too, no custom image is displayed.
    New: Create a new custom image item using current url and given name.
    Save: Save current url to current custom image, overwriting its url (not its title!).
    Edit Name: Edit the name of the current custom image.
    Remove: Remove the current custom image from the list.

Preferred Locations: A preferred location consists of a weather provider, a city identifier and a single custom image or a list of custom images.
  What preferred locations are used for: When right clicking into the weather plasmoid, the context
  menu will appear (usually filled with "Reload weather data" and "Setup CWP".
  Preferred locations (their names) will appear in this context menu, so you can quickly switch between
  different locations (give it some time to download the weather data!).
  Only 25 preferred locations can be added to the context menu, additional preferred locations are ignored.
    New: Create a new preferred location from current weather provider and city identifier.
    Save: Save current weather provider and city identifier to current preferred location, overwriting its weather provider and city identifier.
    Edit Name: Edit the name of the current preferred location.
    Remove: Remove the current preferred location.

Update frequency: update weather data every ... minute.

Display update time: show time, when weather data has been fetched

Layout 1

Layout: horizontal or vertical layout? How many days of the forecast should be displayed? 3, 5 or 7? Or with location image? Compact?

Day names: Just try, which fits best.
Please note, that Qt obviously requires LC_ALL (not other LC_xxx variables!!!) set to your locale!
Check with "locale", whether it's set correctly.

Weather icons: Use weather icons from weather provider, native KDE icons or custom icons. Custom icons are svg or svgz files.
  Use yaWP theme files, for example.

Scale weather icons: scale them, might be below some text.

Icon background: Some weather icons require white (or other) background. Select the appropriate background here.

Omit icon description: dito, use this to make the plasmoid smaller but still readable.

Font: dito

Scale font: dito

Font color: dito

Enable font shadow: black font shadow for bright font color, and vice versa

Layout 2

Forecast separator: None, custom weather plasmoid style, plasma style

Background: Default (solid), Translucent  (like folder view plasmoid), None (effectivly transparent), Custom with custom color and transparency
Please note, that if you're running it from panel, Default (solid) and Translucent background settings don't have any effect!

Wind layout: Description from weather provider (Southwest at 6 mph) or draw a Wind rose (might not work on some weather providers and locations)

Scale wind arrow: Scale the wind rose's arrow.

Invert wind rose direction: Invert the direction the wind rose's arrow points to, so it will point to where the wind comes from.



<N;S;E;W;> translation: translate short names of the wind rose (north, south, east, west). Don't forget the separating/trailing semicolon!!!

Add satellite images to satellite images xml files

Simply add a line
	<image name="Any name" url="Url to image" />
Make sure to find an url that doesn't change with time or date!
If you think, that your satellite image link is interesting for other people, too, contact me: <georg.hennig@web.de>

Write your own weather provider xml files

Find an appropriate weather forecast provider.
It should display the data of a specific location including current temperature, wind, humidity, sunrise, sunset, ...
and at least a 7 day forecast including the current day.

The internet adress should have the following format:
<prefix><zip code><suffix>
prefix will be something like "http://..."
and suffix may be empty, if no suffix is required.

Now save the source code of this site and parse it (example):

cat weather.html | grep foobar | head -n 5 | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e "s/\s*//g"

If this command successfully prints the value you wanted to see, write
grep foobar | head -n 5 | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e "s/\s*//g"
into the appropriate xml tag.

NOTE: Make sure to escape all characters not allowed in xml files:
" ==> &quot;
' ==> &apos;
& ==> &amp;
> ==> &gt;
< ==> &lt;

To debug your xml file, run "plasmoidviewer plasma_applet_cwp" from the console, configure it
and have a look at the debug output.

XML tag reference

type="cwp" (to identify cwp xml files)
version: a string identifying your custom xml file version
name: the desired name of this xml file
example_zip: give an example of a valid zip string
unit: "F" or "C"

if the data is not provided on the main page but inside a frame or linked from this page,
  this tag gives the command how to extract the url where the real weather data is shown.
  The url: ... tags will use this followed url instead.


locale: set locale if necessary to have proper special characters in some languages.
encoding: convert data using given encoding. Valid values: utf8, latin1, (ascii, local8bit, ucs4, utf16).
	Most likely you won't need the last four.

url: url to be used: urc, url1, ..., url7


location: command to extract the location, for example city name
country: command to extract the country name


sunrise: command to extract the sunrise time
sunset: command to extract the sunset time


update_time: command to extract the time, when provider updated its information
temperature: command to extract the current temperature
temperature_felt: command to extract the current temperature as it is felt (chill)


wind: command to extract the current wind description
wind_code: command to extract the current wind code (like N, or North, ... = a unique description of wind direction)
wind_speed: command to extract the current (16 mph or similar)


icon: command to extract the weather icon's url
icon_code: command to extract the weather icon's code
icon_text: command to extract the icon's text (cloudy, rainy, ...)


humidity: command to extract the humidity
rain: command to extract the rain information
dew_point: command to extract the dew point information
visibility: command to extract the visibility information
pressure: command to extract the pressure information
uv_index: command to extract the uv index information


name: command to extract the name of the day (monday, tuesday) or the date
temperature_low: command to extract the lower temperature
temperature_high: command to extract the higher temperature
icon: command to extract the weather icon's url
icon_code: command to extract the weather icon's code
icon_text: command to extract the icon's text


purpose: translate weather provider specific icon codes to weather.com icon codes (Numbers 0-47)

i#: input weather icon code (provider specific)
o#: output weather icon code (0-47, www.weather.com)


purpose: translate weather provider specific description of the wind direction to parsable Strings (N, NE, NNW, ...)

i#: input wind direction description (provider specific)
o#: output wind direction description (N, NE, ...)