
Minimal working example using DJI Cloud API

Primary LanguagePython

Minimal DJI Cloud API example

Minimal working example using DJI Cloud API.


  1. Install dependencies: pip install -r ./requirements.txt
  2. Install docker and setup emqx (MQTT server)
    • docker run -d --name emqx -p 1883:1883 -p 8083:8083 -p 8084:8084 -p 8883:8883 -p 18083:18083 emqx:5.0.20
    • open http://localhost:18083/ to setup admin account l: admin p: public
    • create user account (I am not sure whether it is needed, you can use admin account)
  3. Connect your DJI Smart Controller to the same local network your PC is in (in case of laptop I recommend creating local hotspot).
  4. Set env variable HOST_ADDR, USERNAME, PASSWORD to your IP which will be visible for controller and run ./cloud_api.http.py
  5. Set env variable HOST_ADDR and run ./cloud_api_mqtt.py

Conecting the controller

  1. Open DJI Pilot App
  2. Go to Cloud Service -> Other platforms
  3. Write url http://HOST_ADDR:5000/login and connect
  4. Press Login.

Now app cloud_api_mqtt.py should show you some telemetry from drone

expected example:

📨Got msg: thing/product/1ZNBK7LC00AB/osd
🌍Status: Lat: 0 Lon: 0 height: 16.160583 att_head 10.4 att_pitch -0.4 att_roll 0.2
{'61-0-0': {'gimbal_pitch': 0,
            'gimbal_roll': 0,
            'gimbal_yaw': 117.8,
            'measure_target_altitude': 0,   
            'measure_target_distance': 4.2,
            'measure_target_error_state': 3,
            'measure_target_latitude': 0,
            'measure_target_longitude': 0,
            'payload_index': '61-0-0',
            'version': 1},
 'elevation': 0,
 'firmware_version': '03.31.0000',
 'gear': 1,
 'home_distance': 0,
 'horizontal_speed': 0,
 'longitude': 0,
 'mode_code': 0,
 'position_state': {'gps_number': 0,
                    'is_fixed': 0,
                    'quality': 0,
                    'rtk_number': 0},
 'storage': {'total': 24434700, 'used': 7723000},
 'total_flight_distance': 0,
 'total_flight_time': 0,
 'track_id': '',
 'vertical_speed': 0,
 'wind_direction': 0,
 'wind_speed': 0}