
Settings for Visual Studio Code helping with setting up enviroment for work with Robot Operating System


This repository contains basic settings, instructions and recommendations for setting up workspace to make work with ROS easy.

Setup Workspace to work with vscode

  1. Just clone it into your workspace
    git clone https://github.com/pktiuk/vscode_ros_config.git .vscode
  2. Open workspace using vscode
  3. Install recommended plugins
  4. (not recommended if you have installed all dependencies) Install ROS dependencies by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P and writing: ROS: Install ROS Dependencies for this workspace
  5. (optional, but recommended) Build your workspace (in regular way by terminal or using Build Task)
  6. Using vscode commands (Ctrl+Shift+P) run (it ensures proper autocompletion support):
    • ROS: Update C++ properties
    • ROS: Update Python Path
  7. For better support of C++ completion generate compile_commands.json
  1. Restart vscode, it should ask you about using newly generated compile_commands.json