
Official pytorch implementation of the paper: "Ultrafast Photorealistic Style Transfer via Neural Architecture Search"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Official pytorch implementation of the paper: "Ultrafast Photorealistic Style Transfer via Neural Architecture Search"

AAAI 2020 (accepted for oral presentation)

Make photorealistic style transfer with arbitrary content and style photoes.

With the proposed network architecture named PhotoNAS, you can efficiently produce photorealistic style transfer results of high-resolution content and style inputs.

Accelerate photorealistic style transfer with StyleNAS.

With StyleNAS framework, you can easily accelerate a given style transfer network to a ultrafast one with less parameters at the expense of little decline of style transfer performance.

Environment Requirements


  • pytorch 0.4.1
  • opencv 3.0


  • In order to make neural architecture search, StyleNAS is designed to run on a GPU cluster with at least 50 GPU cards and use slurm workload manager. However, you can also run StyleNAS with fewer GPU cards by modifying the code of style_nas.py to match your hardware environment.

Code for PhotoNAS

The proposed PhotoNAS network architecture is in PhotoNAS directory of this repository.


To train PhotoNAS network for photorealistic style transfer, you should first download the MS_COCO 2017 unlabelled image and put those images into training_data directory. Then run

python PhotoNAS/train_decoder.py --training_dataset <absolute-path-of-training-dataset-directory>

You may also change other training settings such as epoch number and position to save checkpoints in PhotoNAS/train_decoder.py. Please note that --d_control specify the network architecture of the trained model. Please keep it intact while training PhotoNAS.

Make style transfer

To make style transfer with PhotoNAS, please first train the decoder of PhotoNAS as introduced above or download the trained checkpoint from here and put the saved checkpoints into trained_models_aaai directory under PhotoNAS, then run

python PhotoNAS/photo_transfer.py --content <directory-of-input-content-images> --style <directory-of-input-style-images> --save_dir <directory-to-save-produced-images>

Code for StyleNAS


To prune a given photorealistic style transfer model, you should first download the training data and put those images into training_data directory as introduced above. Then run

python style_nas.py

This will automatically prune the network architecture. The trained and pruned architectures and its style transfer results will be saved in configs directory. The pruning precess and results will be logged into record.txt file. You may pick up your favored architecture according to performance/efficiency balance.


If you feel this repository is helpful, please cite our paper,

  title={Ultrafast Photorealistic Style Transfer via Neural Architecture Search},
  author={An, Jie and Xiong, Haoyi and Huan, Jun and Luo, Jiebo}