
TensorFlow Stack Exchange tags prediction model

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Stack Exchange tags prediction model

Tensorflow model for solving a problem specified at a Kaggle problem Transfer Learning on Stack Exchange Tags.

The pipeline assumes that there exists a data directory pointed by a RESEARCH_DATA_DIR environment variable which maintains following structure:

    • stackexchange
      • train (preprocessed training data in TFRecords format)
      • test (preprocessed test data in TFRecords format)
      • raw (raw CSV files from Kaggle)
      • wiki.simple.bin and wiki.simple.vec (fastText pretrained embeddings)
      • vocab.txt (created during preprocessing step using the corpus)
      • wiki.simple.npy (preprocessed embeddings for faster training)

Entities written in bold must be available before the preprocessing step.


In order to run the preprocessing invoke following command from the repository root:

> python3 -m setags.data.prepare

Train and evaluate the module using the main module directly. You might use multiple models by specifying names with a -n option. If a model with given name exists the pipeline will further train or evaluate this model. An environment variable TF_MODELS_DIR might be defined in order to store models data in specific directory. Otherwise system-specific temporary directory will be used.

> python3 -m setags train -n xyz
... (training logs) ...

> python3 -m setags test -n xyz
... (evaluation report) ...