Vertx WebSockets Test

An experimental project using vertx as HTTP and WebSockets servers, and HTML5 + jQuery + RaphaelJS as a client.

Server side

Provides simple HTTP server for serving static HTML + JS, and event-driven WebSockets implementation of a very simple "game". It's only purpose is to present asynchronous capabilities of web technologies. It means that the only thing the player can do is randomly spawn a rectangle at a random location by connecting to a server and remove it by disconnecting. (WASD-keys movement is implemented, but doesn't seem to work on Chrome. Proven to work on Firefox though.)

Client side

Creates SVG-rectangles tilemap to represent the "game" state. Player can see his rectangle as well as the rectangles of other players which are dynamically updated thanks to WebSockets connection. RaphaelJS library is being used in order to easily manage SVG properties.


You need JDK 8, Maven, and compiled vertx available at it's site. Assuming that vertx binary is in your PATH invoke following command from the repository root:

vertx run src/main/java/pw/pkubik/grid/

Then visit localhost:8080 in your browser.


I have tried to keep clean code and approach, however keep in mind that this project isn't meant to be state of art solution. Many bad designs might have been applied due to a rush or curiosity.