
Run OpenLava as a Apache Mesos service/framework.

Primary LanguagePython

OpenLava as DCOS service for Apache Mesos

Note: this is very much work in progress! Feel free to help :-)

to run this stuff:

$ docker-compose -p tmetsch up

This will start a mesos-master, 1 mesos-slave and the OpenLava master framework. It is a "simulated" distributed environment for testing only atm. The idea for integrating openlava on Mesos is the following:

As long as the queues are empty reject offers from mesos OR if a queues has pending jobs offers are accepted and the openlava services are started as a task.

Tasks are completed in case they are idle for a while.

Openlava itself could make use of firing up docker containers to run the actual workload.

There are several docker images being used here:

  • the Apache Mesos & Marathon images from this repo.
  • based on the previous one an image is defined which combines OpenLava & the OpenLava framework (this could be split into two to be more lightweight)


You can scale the Mesos cluster by running:

$ docker-compose -p tmetsch scale node1=10    

To submit jobs:

$ docker exec -u openlava tmetsch_openlavamaster_1 /opt/openlava-3.1/bin/bsub -J "myArray[1-100]" /bin/sleep 3

To list jobs:

$ docker exec -u openlava tmetsch_openlavamaster_1 /opt/openlava-3.1/bin/bjobs

To watch the current hosts (Mesos Tasks) in the OpenLava cluster:

$ watch docker exec -u openlava tmetsch_openlavamaster_1 /opt/openlava-3.1/bin/bhosts

In the meantime feel free to see the openlava cluster shrink and grow based on demand :-)