If you like or use this project, please provide feedback to author - Star it ★.
Monitoring of Docker container by using Zabbix. Available CPU, mem, blkio container metrics and some containers config details e.g. IP, name, ... Zabbix Docker module has native support for Docker containers (Systemd included) and should support also a few other container type (e.g. LXC) out of the box. Please feel free to test and provide feedback/open issue. Module is focused on the performance, see section Module vs. UserParameter script.
Module is available as a Docker image as well. Quick start:
docker run \
--name=zabbix-agent-xxl \
-h $(hostname) \
-p 10050:10050 \
-v /:/rootfs \
-d monitoringartist/zabbix-agent-xxl-limited:latest
Ubuntu users need also -v /var/run:/var/run
Visit Zabbix agent 3.0 XXL with Docker monitoring support for more information.
Please donate to author, so he can continue to publish other awesome projects for free:
[] (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=8LB6J222WRUZ4)
[Download latest build (RHEL 7, CentOS 7, Ubuntu 14, ...)]
If provided build doesn't work on your system, please see section [Compilation]
(#compilation). Or you can check [folder dockerfiles]
where Dockerfiles for different OS/Zabbix versions are prepared.
Note: cid - container ID, two options are available:
- full container ID (fid - 64 character string), e.g. 2599a1d88f75ea2de7283cbf469ea00f0e5d42aaace95f90ffff615c16e8fade
- (human) name or short container ID - prefix "/" must be used, e.g. /zabbix-server or /2599a1d88f75
Key | Description |
docker.discovery[<par1>,<par2>,<par3>] | LLD discovering: Only running containers are discovered. Additional Docker permissions are needed, when you want to see container name (human name) in metrics/graphs instead of short container ID. Optional parameters are used for definition of HCONTAINERID - docker.inspect function will be used in this case. For example: docker.discovery[Config,Env,MESOS_TASK_ID=] is recommended for Mesos monitoring Note: docker.discovery is faster version of docker.discovery[Name] |
docker.mem[cid,mmetric] | Memory metrics: mmetric - any available memory metric in the pseudo-file memory.stat, e.g.: cache, rss, mapped_file, pgpgin, pgpgout, swap, pgfault, pgmajfault, inactive_anon, active_anon, inactive_file, active_file, unevictable, hierarchical_memory_limit, hierarchical_memsw_limit, total_cache, total_rss, total_mapped_file, total_pgpgin, total_pgpgout, total_swap, total_pgfault, total_pgmajfault, total_inactive_anon, total_active_anon, total_inactive_file, total_active_file, total_unevictable, Note: if you have problem with memory metrics, be sure that memory cgroup subsystem is enabled - kernel parameter: cgroup_enable=memory |
docker.cpu[cid,cmetric] | CPU metrics: cmetric - any available CPU metric in the pseudo-file cpuacct.stat, e.g.: system, user Jiffy CPU counter is recalculated to % value by Zabbix. |
docker.dev[cid,bfile,bmetric] | Blk IO metrics: bfile - container blkio pseudo-file, e.g.: blkio.io_merged, blkio.io_queued, blkio.io_service_bytes, blkio.io_serviced, blkio.io_service_time, blkio.io_wait_time, blkio.sectors, blkio.time, blkio.avg_queue_size, blkio.idle_time, blkio.dequeue, ... bmetric - any available blkio metric in selected pseudo-file, e.g.: Total. Option for selected block device only is also available e.g. '8:0 Sync' (quotes must be used in key parameter in this case) Note: Some pseudo blkio files are available only if kernel config CONFIG_DEBUG_BLK_CGROUP=y, see recommended docs. |
docker.inspect[cid,par1,<par2>,<par3>] | Docker inspection: Requested value from Docker inspect JSON object (e.g. API v1.21) is returned. par1 - name of 1st level JSON property par2 - optional name of 2nd level JSON property par3 - optional name of 3rd level JSON property or selector of item in the JSON array For example: docker.inspect[cid,NetworkSettings,IPAddress], docker.inspect[cid,Config,Env,MESOS_TASK_ID=], docker.inspect[cid,State,StartedAt], docker.inspect[cid,Name] Note 1: Requested value must be plain text/numeric value. JSON objects and booleans are not supported. Note 2: Additional Docker permissions are needed. Note 3: If you use selector for selecting value in array, then selector string is removed from returned value. |
docker.info[info] | Docker information: Requested value from Docker info JSON object (e.g. API v1.21) is returned. info - name of requested information, e.g. Containers, Images, NCPU, ... Note: Additional Docker permissions are needed. |
docker.stats[cid,par1,<par2>,<par3>] | Docker container resource usage statistics: Docker version 1.5+ is required Requested value from Docker stats JSON object (e.g. API v1.21) is returned. par1 - name of 1st level JSON property par2 - optional name of 2nd level JSON property par3 - optional name of 3rd level JSON property For example: docker.stats[cid,memory_stats,usage], docker.stats[cid,network,rx_bytes], docker.stats[cid,cpu_stats,cpu_usage,total_usage] Note 1: Requested value must be plain text/numeric value. JSON objects/arrays are not supported. Note 2: Additional Docker permissions are needed. Note 3: The most accurate way to get Docker container stats, but it's also the slowest (0.3-0.7s), because data are readed from on demand container stats stream. |
docker.cstatus[status] | Count of Docker containers in defined status: status - status of container, available statuses: All - count of all containers Up - count of running containers (Paused included) Exited - count of exited containers Crashed - count of crashed containers (exit code != 0) Paused - count of paused containers Note: Additional Docker permissions are needed. |
docker.up[cid] | Running state check: 1 if container is running, otherwise 0 |
docker.xnet[cid,interface,nmetric] | Network metrics (experimental): interface - name of interface, e.g. eth0, if name is all, then sum of selected metric across all interfaces is returned (lo included) nmetric - any available network metric name from output of command netstat -i: MTU, Met, RX-OK, RX-ERR, RX-DRP, RX-OVR, TX-OK, TX-ERR, TX-DRP, TX-OVR For example: docker.xnet[cid,eth0,TX-OK] docker.xnet[cid,all,RX-ERR] Note: Root permissions (AllowRoot=1) are required, because net namespaces (/var/run/netns/) are created/used |
Maybe in the future:
- cgroup CPU throttling metrics
- systemd.service.discovery - discovering of systemd services
- systemd.service.cpu - cpu metrics of systemd service
- systemd.service.mem - mem metrics of systemd service
- systemd.service.dev - blk io metrics of systemd service
- systemd.service.net - net metrics of systemd service
- systemd.service.log - log monitoring of systemd service
- docker.cpu - collector implementation
[Standard Zabbix log monitoring]
can be used. Keep in mind, that Zabbix agent must support active mode for log
monitoring. Stdout/stderr Docker container console output is logged by Docker
into file /var/lib/docker/containers//-json.log. If the application
in container is not able to log to stdout/stderr, link log file to
stdout/stderr. For example:
ln -sf /dev/stdout /var/log/nginx/access.log
ln -sf /dev/stderr /var/log/nginx/error.log
Example of -json log file:
{"log":"2015-07-03 00:15:05,870 DEBG fd 13 closed, stopped monitoring \u003cPOutputDispatcher at 37974528 for \u003cSubprocess at 37493936 with name php-fpm in state STARTING\u003e (stdout)\u003e\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2015-07-03T00:15:05.871956756Z"}
{"log":"2015-07-03 00:15:05,873 DEBG fd 17 closed, stopped monitoring \u003cPOutputDispatcher at 37974240 for \u003cSubprocess at 37493936 with name php-fpm in state STARTING\u003e (stderr)\u003e\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2015-07-03T00:15:05.875886957Z"}
{"log":"2015-07-03 00:15:06,878 INFO success: nginx entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for \u003e than 1 seconds (startsecs)\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2015-07-03T00:15:06.882435459Z"}
{"log":"2015-07-03 00:15:06,879 INFO success: nginx-reload entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for \u003e than 1 seconds (startsecs)\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2015-07-03T00:15:06.882548486Z"}
Recommended Zabbix log key for this case:
You can utilize Zabbix LLD for automatic Docker container log monitoring.
Docker container CPU graph in Zabbix: Docker container memory graph in Zabbix: Docker container state graph in Zabbix:
You have two options, how to get additional Docker permissions:
- Add zabbix user to docker group (recommended option):
usermod -aG docker zabbix
- Or edit zabbix_agentd.conf and set AllowRoot (Zabbix agent with root permissions):
Note: If you use Docker from RHEL/Centos repositories, then you have to use AllowRoot=1 option.
If you are on a system that have SELinux
in enforcing-mode (check with getenforce
), you can make it work with this SELinux module. This module will persist reboots.
module zabbix-docker 1.1;
require {
type docker_var_run_t;
type unreserved_port_t;
type zabbix_agent_t;
type docker_t;
type cgroup_t;
type modules_object_t;
class sock_file write;
class unix_stream_socket connectto;
class capability dac_override;
class tcp_socket name_connect;
class file { ioctl read getattr lock open execute };
class dir { ioctl read getattr lock add_name reparent search open };
#============= zabbix_agent_t ==============
allow zabbix_agent_t docker_t:unix_stream_socket connectto;
allow zabbix_agent_t docker_var_run_t:sock_file write;
allow zabbix_agent_t self:capability dac_override;
allow zabbix_agent_t unreserved_port_t:tcp_socket name_connect;
allow zabbix_agent_t cgroup_t:file { ioctl read getattr lock open };
allow zabbix_agent_t cgroup_t:dir { ioctl read getattr lock search open };
allow zabbix_agent_t modules_object_t:file { read open execute };
Save it, the run:
checkmodule -M -m -o zabbix-docker.mod zabbix-docker.te
semodule_package -o zabbix-docker.pp -m zabbix-docker.mod
semodule -i zabbix-docker.pp
If you are using your systems zabbix-agent
package, it might have sat rules that makes the zabbix-agent
start just after the network is up and running. This might cause problems, since we are not yet ready to start ourself, as we are now depending on Docker
If you have problems that zabbix-agent
wont start up completly when running systemd. You can add an additional file to /etc/systemd/system/zabbix-agent.service.d/zabbix.conf
(you need to create the folder as well), with the content;
Remember to run systemctl daemon-reload
when you are done editing it. The zabbix-agent should start correctly after this little change.
- Import provided template Zabbix-Template-App-Docker.xml.
- Configure your Zabbix agent(s) - load downloaded/compiled
You have to compile module, if provided binary doesn't work on your system. Basic compilation steps:
# Required CentOS/RHEL tools: yum install -y wget autoconf automake gcc svn
# Required Debian/Ubuntu tools: apt-get install -y wget autoconf automake gcc subversion make pkg-config
cd ~
mkdir zabbix24
cd zabbix24
svn co svn://svn.zabbix.com/branches/2.4 .
./configure --enable-agent
mkdir src/modules/zabbix_module_docker
cd src/modules/zabbix_module_docker
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/monitoringartist/Zabbix-Docker-Monitoring/master/src/modules/zabbix_module_docker/zabbix_module_docker.c
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/monitoringartist/Zabbix-Docker-Monitoring/master/src/modules/zabbix_module_docker/Makefile
Output will be binary file (dynamically linked shared object library) zabbix_module_docker.so, which can be loaded by zabbix agent.
See https://blog.docker.com/2013/10/gathering-lxc-docker-containers-metrics/ Metrics for containers are read from cgroup file system. Docker API is used for discovering and some keys. However root or docker permissions are required for communication with Docker via unix socket. You can test API also in your command line:
echo -e "GET /containers/json?all=0 HTTP/1.0\r\n" | nc -U /var/run/docker.sock
Module is ~10x quicker, because it's compiled binary code. I've used my project [Zabbix agent stress test] (https://github.com/monitoringartist/zabbix-agent-stress-test) for performance tests.
Part of config in zabbix_agentd.conf:
UserParameter=xdocker.cpu[*],grep $2 /cgroup/cpuacct/docker/$1/cpuacct.stat | awk '{print $$2}'
[root@dev zabbix-agent-stress-test]# ./zabbix-agent-stress-test.py -s -k "xdocker.cpu[d5bf68ec1fb570d8ac3047226397edd8618eed14278ce035c98fbceef02d7730,system]" -t 20
Warning: you are starting more threads, than your system has available CPU cores (4)!
Starting 20 threads, host:, key: xdocker.cpu[d5bf68ec1fb570d8ac3047226397edd8618eed14278ce035c98fbceef02d7730,system]
Success: 291 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 279.68 qps Execution time: 1.00 sec
Success: 548 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 349.04 qps Execution time: 2.00 sec
Success: 803 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 282.72 qps Execution time: 3.00 sec
Success: 1060 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 209.31 qps Execution time: 4.00 sec
Success: 1310 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 187.14 qps Execution time: 5.00 sec
Success: 1570 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 178.80 qps Execution time: 6.01 sec
Success: 1838 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 189.36 qps Execution time: 7.01 sec
Success: 2106 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 225.68 qps Execution time: 8.01 sec
Success: 2382 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 344.51 qps Execution time: 9.01 sec
Success: 2638 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 327.88 qps Execution time: 10.01 sec
Success: 2905 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 349.93 qps Execution time: 11.01 sec
Success: 3181 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 352.23 qps Execution time: 12.01 sec
Success: 3450 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 239.38 qps Execution time: 13.01 sec
Success: 3678 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 209.88 qps Execution time: 14.02 sec
Success: 3923 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 180.30 qps Execution time: 15.02 sec
Success: 4178 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 201.58 qps Execution time: 16.02 sec
Success: 4434 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 191.92 qps Execution time: 17.02 sec
Success: 4696 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 332.06 qps Execution time: 18.02 sec
Success: 4968 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 325.55 qps Execution time: 19.02 sec
Success: 5237 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 325.61 qps Execution time: 20.02 sec
Success: 5358 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 192.56 qps Execution time: 20.53 sec
Avg rate based on total execution time and success connections: 261.02 qps
[root@dev zabbix-agent-stress-test]# ./zabbix-agent-stress-test.py -s -k "docker.cpu[d5bf68ec1fb570d8ac3047226397edd8618eed14278ce035c98fbceef02d7730,system]" -t 20
Warning: you are starting more threads, than your system has available CPU cores (4)!
Starting 20 threads, host:, key: docker.cpu[d5bf68ec1fb570d8ac3047226397edd8618eed14278ce035c98fbceef02d7730,system]
Success: 2828 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 2943.98 qps Execution time: 1.00 sec
Success: 5095 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 1975.77 qps Execution time: 2.01 sec
Success: 7623 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 2574.55 qps Execution time: 3.01 sec
Success: 10098 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 4720.20 qps Execution time: 4.02 sec
Success: 12566 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 3423.56 qps Execution time: 5.02 sec
Success: 14706 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 2397.01 qps Execution time: 6.03 sec
Success: 17128 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 903.63 qps Execution time: 7.05 sec
Success: 19520 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 2663.53 qps Execution time: 8.05 sec
Success: 21899 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 1516.36 qps Execution time: 9.07 sec
Success: 24219 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 3570.47 qps Execution time: 10.07 sec
Success: 26676 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 1204.58 qps Execution time: 11.08 sec
Success: 29162 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 2719.87 qps Execution time: 12.08 sec
Success: 31671 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 2265.67 qps Execution time: 13.08 sec
Success: 34186 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 3490.64 qps Execution time: 14.08 sec
Success: 36749 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 2094.59 qps Execution time: 15.09 sec
Success: 39047 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 3213.35 qps Execution time: 16.09 sec
Success: 41361 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 3171.67 qps Execution time: 17.09 sec
Success: 43739 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 3946.53 qps Execution time: 18.09 sec
Success: 46100 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 1308.88 qps Execution time: 19.09 sec
Success: 48556 Errors: 0 Avg speed: 2663.52 qps Execution time: 20.09 sec
Success: 49684 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 2673.85 qps Execution time: 20.52 sec
Avg rate based on total execution time and success connections: 2420.70 qps
Results of 20s stress test:
StartAgent value | Module qps | UserParameter script qps |
3 | 2420.70 | 261.02 |
10 | 2612.20 | 332.62 |
20 | 2487.93 | 348.52 |
Discovery test:
Part of config in zabbix_agentd.conf:
[container_discover.sh] (https://github.com/bsmile/zabbix-docker-lld/blob/master/usr/lib/zabbix/script/container_discover.sh):
Test with 237 running containers:
[root@dev ~]# docker info
Containers: 237
Images: 121
Storage Driver: btrfs
Execution Driver: native-0.2
Kernel Version: 3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64
Operating System: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.1 (Maipo)
CPUs: 10
Total Memory: 62.76 GiB
Name: dev.local
Username: username
Registry: [https://index.docker.io/v1/]
[root@dev ~]# time zabbix_get -s -k docker.discovery > /dev/null
real 0m0.112s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.003s
[root@dev ~]# time zabbix_get -s -k xdocker.discovery > /dev/null
real 0m5.856s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.002s
[root@dev ~]# ./zabbix-agent-stress-test.py -s -k xdocker.discovery
Starting 1 threads, host:, key: xdocker.discovery
Success: 0 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.00 qps Execution time: 1.00 sec
Success: 0 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.00 qps Execution time: 2.00 sec
Success: 0 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.00 qps Execution time: 3.02 sec
Success: 0 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.00 qps Execution time: 4.02 sec
Success: 0 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.00 qps Execution time: 5.02 sec
Success: 1 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.10 qps Execution time: 6.02 sec
Success: 1 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.10 qps Execution time: 7.02 sec
Success: 1 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.10 qps Execution time: 8.02 sec
Success: 1 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.10 qps Execution time: 9.02 sec
Success: 1 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.10 qps Execution time: 10.02 sec
Success: 2 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.14 qps Execution time: 11.02 sec
Success: 2 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.14 qps Execution time: 12.03 sec
Success: 2 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.14 qps Execution time: 13.03 sec
Success: 2 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.14 qps Execution time: 14.03 sec
Success: 2 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.14 qps Execution time: 15.03 sec
Success: 3 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.16 qps Execution time: 16.03 sec
Success: 3 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.16 qps Execution time: 17.03 sec
Success: 3 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.16 qps Execution time: 18.03 sec
Success: 3 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.16 qps Execution time: 19.03 sec
Success: 3 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.16 qps Execution time: 20.03 sec
Success: 3 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.16 qps Execution time: 21.04 sec
Success: 4 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.17 qps Execution time: 22.04 sec
Success: 4 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.17 qps Execution time: 23.04 sec
Success: 4 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.17 qps Execution time: 24.04 sec
Success: 4 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.17 qps Execution time: 25.05 sec
Success: 5 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.20 qps Execution time: 26.05 sec
Success: 5 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.20 qps Execution time: 27.05 sec
Success: 5 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.20 qps Execution time: 28.05 sec
Success: 5 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.20 qps Execution time: 29.05 sec
Success: 5 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.20 qps Execution time: 30.05 sec
Success: 5 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.20 qps Execution time: 31.05 sec
Success: 5 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 0.20 qps Execution time: 31.35 sec
Avg rate based on total execution time and success connections: 0.16 qps
[root@dev ~]# ./zabbix-agent-stress-test.py -s -k docker.discovery
Starting 1 threads, host:, key: docker.discovery
Success: 5 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 6.26 qps Execution time: 1.00 sec
Success: 5 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 6.26 qps Execution time: 2.00 sec
Success: 12 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 7.45 qps Execution time: 3.00 sec
Success: 20 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 6.77 qps Execution time: 4.00 sec
Success: 28 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 7.82 qps Execution time: 5.00 sec
Success: 36 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 7.21 qps Execution time: 6.01 sec
Success: 43 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 10.22 qps Execution time: 7.01 sec
Success: 43 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 10.22 qps Execution time: 8.01 sec
Success: 50 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 6.79 qps Execution time: 9.01 sec
Success: 57 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 6.11 qps Execution time: 10.01 sec
Success: 66 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 8.50 qps Execution time: 11.01 sec
Success: 73 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 6.51 qps Execution time: 12.01 sec
Success: 81 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 7.18 qps Execution time: 13.01 sec
Success: 82 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 7.85 qps Execution time: 14.01 sec
Success: 87 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 6.54 qps Execution time: 15.02 sec
Success: 95 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 7.84 qps Execution time: 16.02 sec
Success: 103 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 9.24 qps Execution time: 17.02 sec
Success: 111 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 9.94 qps Execution time: 18.02 sec
Success: 119 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 7.63 qps Execution time: 19.02 sec
Success: 120 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 6.70 qps Execution time: 20.12 sec
Success: 121 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 3.61 qps Execution time: 21.12 sec
Success: 128 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 8.46 qps Execution time: 22.12 sec
Success: 136 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 7.63 qps Execution time: 23.12 sec
Success: 144 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 6.21 qps Execution time: 24.12 sec
Success: 150 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 6.89 qps Execution time: 25.12 sec
Success: 157 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 10.87 qps Execution time: 26.18 sec
Success: 160 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 7.52 qps Execution time: 27.18 sec
Success: 168 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 9.81 qps Execution time: 28.18 sec
Success: 174 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 6.69 qps Execution time: 29.18 sec
Success: 181 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 6.35 qps Execution time: 30.18 sec
Success: 188 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 7.64 qps Execution time: 31.19 sec
Success: 193 Errors: 0 Avg rate: 8.83 qps Execution time: 31.79 sec
Avg rate based on total execution time and success connections: 6.07 qps
Edit your zabbix_agentd.conf and set DebugLevel:
Module debug messages will be available in standard zabbix_agentd.log.
Please use Github issue tracker.
- https://docs.docker.com/articles/runmetrics/
- https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/cgroups/blkio-controller.txt
- https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/cgroups/memory.txt
- https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/cgroups/cpuacct.txt
- https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Resource_Management_Guide/index.html
Devops Monitoring zExpert, who loves monitoring systems, which start with letter Z. Those are Zabbix and Zenoss.
Professional monitoring services:
[] (http://www.monitoringartist.com 'DevOps / Docker / Kubernetes / Zabbix / Zenoss / Monitoring')