ESA 2021 talk on Vizumap

This is a respository for the talk given at the recent ESA 2021 conference entitled Vizumap: an R package for visualising uncertainty in spatial data. I spoke on Thursday the 25th of November 2021 in the session on Remote Sensing in Ecology.

ESA 2021 is the 61st Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia

In this repository you will find the following:

  • A copy of the slides presented at the conference.
  • Datasets used in the presentation:
    • remote sensing data that was used to visualise the variability of fractional cover in the Bowen catchment.
    • Bowen catchment SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
  • An R script to reproduce the figures in the presentation.

For instructions on how to install Vizumap, see Lydia Lucchesi's github repository.