
A very simple Roku HTTP client in BrightScript.

Primary LanguageBrightscript


This is a small helper library to make HTTP requests and responses a bit more enjoyable. It takes most of the pain out of concurrency as well as simple one- offs. I made most of the functions return self, in an effort to make chaining easy, however, it looks like Brightscript doesn't support a newline before or after the "dot" operator, but it's still helpful for short lines.

There's no error handling or retry yet. I haven't quite figured out how that should work.


Single requests are pretty straight-forward:

ip = NewRequest("http://api.ipify.org/").AddParam("format", "json").Execute()["ip"]
print("Your IP is " + ip)

To run multiple requests in parallel, pass them all in a hash. The responses will come back in the same format when the last response finishes:

responses = ExecuteRequests({
    ip: NewRequest("http://api.ipify.org/").AddParam("format", "json"),
    reddit: {
        roku:    NewRequest("http://www.reddit.com/r/roku.json"),
        showyou: NewRequest("http://www.reddit.com/r/showyou.json")

print("Your ip is " + responses.ip.ip)
print("First Roku post: " + responses.reddit.roku.data.children[0].data.title)
print("First Showyou post: " + responses.reddit.showyou.data.children[0].data.title)