
This library can be used to construct a visibility polygon for a set of line segments.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

visibility_polygon.js version 1.9

This code is released into the public domain - attribution is appreciated but not required.
Made by Byron Knoll.

Demo: http://www.byronknoll.com/visibility.html

This library can be used to construct a visibility polygon for a set of line segments.

The time complexity of this implementation is O(N log N) (where N is the total number of line segments). This is the optimal time complexity for this problem.

The following functions should be useful:

1) VisibilityPolygon.compute(position, segments)
  Computes a visibility polygon. O(N log N) time complexity (where N is the number of line segments).
    position - The location of the observer. If the observer is not completely surrounded by line segments, an outer bounding-box will be automatically created (so that the visibility polygon does not extend to infinity).
    segments - A list of line segments. Each line segment should be a list of two points. Each point should be a list of two coordinates. Line segments can not intersect each other. Overlapping vertices are OK, but it is not OK if a vertex is touching the middle of a line segment. Use the "breakIntersections" function to fix intersecting line segments.
  Returns: The visibility polygon (in clockwise vertex order).

2) VisibilityPolygon.computeViewport(position, segments, viewportMinCorner, viewportMaxCorner)
  Computes a visibility polygon within the given viewport. This can be faster than the "compute" function if there are many segments outside of the viewport.
    position - The location of the observer. Must be within the viewport.
    segments - A list of line segments. Line segments can not intersect each other. It is OK if line segments intersect the viewport.
    viewportMinCorner - The minimum X and Y coordinates of the viewport.
    viewportMaxCorner - The maximum X and Y coordinates of the viewport.
  Returns: The visibility polygon within the viewport (in clockwise vertex order).

3) VisibilityPolygon.inPolygon(position, polygon)
  Calculates whether a point is within a polygon. O(N) time complexity (where N is the number of points in the polygon).
    position - The point to check: a list of two coordinates.
    polygon - The polygon to check: a list of points. The polygon can be specified in either clockwise or counterclockwise vertex order.
  Returns: True if "position" is within the polygon.

4) VisibilityPolygon.convertToSegments(polygons)
  Converts the given polygons to list of line segments. O(N) time complexity (where N is the number of polygons).
  Arguments: a list of polygons (in either clockwise or counterclockwise vertex order). Each polygon should be a list of points. Each point should be a list of two coordinates.
  Returns: a list of line segments.

5) VisibilityPolygon.breakIntersections(segments)
  Breaks apart line segments so that none of them intersect. O(N^2) time complexity (where N is the number of line segments).
  Arguments: a list of line segments. Each line segment should be a list of two points. Each point should be a list of two coordinates.
  Returns: a list of line segments.

Example code:

var polygons = [];
var segments = VisibilityPolygon.convertToSegments(polygons);
segments = VisibilityPolygon.breakIntersections(segments);
var position = [60, 60];
if (VisibilityPolygon.inPolygon(position, polygons[0])) {
  var visibility = VisibilityPolygon.compute(position, segments);
var viewportVisibility = VisibilityPolygon.computeViewport(position, segments, [50, 50], [450, 450]);