
vinagre cannot connect to the server.

Closed this issue · 5 comments

The server seems to be running on the remarkable (connected via USB)

reMarkable: ~/ ./rM-vnc-server
22/08/2020 22:11:15 Listening for VNC connections on TCP port 5900
22/08/2020 22:11:15 Listening for VNC connections on TCP6 port 5900

But when I am trying to connect to it through the PC using the following command, I get an error that connection is refused.


Any views on this.

No I did not know I need to do that. I actually was following the usage on the readme:

Make sure that mxc_epdc_fb_damage is installed on the device. Copy rM-vnc-server to the device and run it; this will start a vnc server listening on port 5900. Any VNC client should be able to provide a (view-only) view of the tablet's screen when pointed at the reMarkable's IP address and standard VNC port (5900). Vinagre and gst-libvncclient-rfbsrc have been tested.

Can you tell me what exactly needs to be done?

Thanks a lot. it is working now!