Start Project locally

yarn dev

Run Unit test

yarn test

Production URL

Application can be tested on

About Application

  • All the data will stored in local storage
  • User can create Board
  • After Creating Board, User will redirect to Board page
  • On Board Page User can create, delete, update Ticket.
  • Sorting can be done on basis of Task Creation Date, Modification Date, Bookmark & title of the task
  • User Can copy paste image, upload image on editor.
  • User Can comment on ticket with images and text.

About Application Techstack

This application boostrapped on Next.js with Typescript. Unit test are done using JEST & React Testing Libraries.

What can be done?

  • Configuring with Database, we don't need to rely on lcoalstorage and can support application to the user based in different machine & location. Since challenge was related to test UI, Hence backend not configured.

  • UI can be modified to look more beautiful.