
ROS2 interface for the mobile robot Shelfino of the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Trento.

Primary LanguageC++

Shelfino ROS2

shelfino robot

This repository contains the ROS2 interface developed for the mobile robot Shelfino of the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Trento, Italy.

Both a bringup node for the physical robot and a simulation of the robot itself are present here.

Shelfino ROS2 topics

The topics provided by the interface are:

TOPIC Description
/scan Data from the Lidar
/odom Data of the odometry (sensor fusion of the RealSense and encoders data)
/t265 Data from the RealSense camera
/joint_states Data from the encoders of the wheels
/cmd_vel Topic to control the movement of the robot acting on the velocities
/robot_description The urdf description of the shelfino robot
/tf_static The fixed transform between the base_link frame and the base_laser frame
/tf The tranforms between the robot and the odom frame, and between the wheels and the robot body

shelfino robot in rviz

transform frames in rviz

Docker image

You can pull the docker image containing all the ROS2 nodes of this project with:
docker pull pla10/ros2_humble:amd64

Complete documentation

Check the complete documentation of this repository.